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Surname List: Begins with F

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[no surname] ( ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

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All surnames beginning with F, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Faelten (1)
2. Fagan (5)
3. Fain (1)
4. Fair (167)
5. Fairchild (2)
6. Fallin (1)
7. Fannin (1)
8. Fannon (6)
9. Fantar (2)
10. Faris (1)
11. Farmer (53)
12. Farmerin (1)
13. Farnor (1)
14. Farr (7)
15. Farris (5)
16. Farrow (1)
17. Farthing (195)
18. Fathing (1)
19. Faulk (1)
20. Faulkner (13)
21. Faw (2)
22. Faye (1)
23. Feagle (1)
24. Feathers (23)
25. Febuary (41)
26. Feed (1)
27. Fellers (2)
28. Fellows (1)
29. Felts (11)
   30. Female Slave (2)
31. Fender (9)
32. Fennell (3)
33. Fenner (61)
34. Fenwick (1)
35. Ferguson (32)
36. Fern (1)
37. Ferrel (6)
38. Ferrell (13)
39. Fethkenher (1)
40. Fetzer (1)
41. Fieglei(Fiegly) (1)
42. Fields (27)
43. Fillio (2)
44. Findley (1)
45. Fine (2)
46. Fink (1)
47. Finkbeiner (1)
48. Finkbone (1)
49. Finley (2)
50. Finney (31)
51. Fischer (1)
52. Fishburne (1)
53. Fisher (10)
54. Fitzgerald (4)
55. Fitzhugh (2)
56. Fitzjarrel (1)
57. Fitzpatrick (2)
58. Fitzsimmons (4)
   59. Flagg (1)
60. Flaherty (3)
61. Flamer (1)
62. Flanary (5)
63. Flannagan (1)
64. Flannery (4)
65. Fleek (1)
66. Fleenor (22)
67. Fleming (8)
68. Fletcher (158)
69. Flick (6)
70. Flinchum (1)
71. Flora (1)
72. Flores (3)
73. Flowers (2)
74. Floyd (4)
75. Fluker (1)
76. Fogleman (2)
77. Foister (4)
78. Folk (1)
79. Folsom (2)
80. Fondren (14)
81. Fontaine (2)
82. Fonts (1)
83. Forbes (121)
84. Forbis (1)
85. Force (1)
86. Ford (265)
87. Foreman (4)
   88. Forester (1)
89. Fornam (1)
90. Forrester (167)
91. Forsythe (1)
92. Fort (11)
93. Fortner (24)
94. Foss (2)
95. Foster (68)
96. Fouts (2)
97. Fowler (9)
98. Fox (54)
99. Foxwell (2)
100. Fraley (1)
101. France (13)
102. Frances (2)
103. Francion (1)
104. Francis (16)
105. Francisco (11)
106. Frank (1)
107. Franklin (58)
108. Franks (6)
109. Fraser (1)
110. Frasier (2)
111. Frazier (58)
112. Frederick (4)
113. Fredrickson (2)
114. Freed (1)
115. Freeman (98)
116. French (3)
   117. Freshour (2)
118. Freyermuth (1)
119. Friddles (10)
120. Frier (2)
121. Friesland (1)
122. Fripp (2)
123. Fritts (160)
124. Fritz (5)
125. Frost (2)
126. Fry (6)
127. Frye (6)
128. Fudge (14)
129. Fugate (1)
130. Fulk (1)
131. Fulkerson (75)
132. Fuller (3)
133. Fulmer (1)
134. Fulton (2)
135. Fulz (1)
136. Funderburg (1)
137. Furches (4)
138. Furchess (32)
139. Furlong (1)
140. Futch (21)
141. Futrell (16)
142. Fyffe (4)