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 Description   Quantity 
Total Individuals 99,026 
Total Males 50,074 (50.57%) 
Total Females 48,859 (49.34%) 
Total Unknown Gender 93 (0.09%) 
Total Living 15,581 
Total Families 25,888 
Total Unique Surnames 5,130 
Total Photos 119 
Total Documents
Total Headstones
Total Histories
Total Recordings
Total Videos
Total Sources 329 
Total Source Citations 4,505 
Average Lifespan1 70 years 286 days 
Earliest Birth (Ezekiel Hill 5 Apr 186 6 

 Longest Lived1   Age 
Ezekiel Hill  1,937 years 
Billy Marshall Bowman  1,796 years 279 days 
Ella Ann Ruth  1,781 years 159 days 
Martha A. Colbaugh  1,081 years 256 days 
John F. Treffenstead  1,054 years 2 days 
Sarah Kathaleen Garland  990 years 98 days 
John Blalock  183 years 187 days 
Earnest Paul Gentry  176 years 333 days 
Mary Bingham  174 years 288 days 
Ulysses Franklin Ragan  172 years 85 days 

1 Age-related calculations are based on individuals with recorded birth and death dates. Due to the existence of incomplete date fields(e.g., a death date listed only as "1945" or "BEF 1860"), these calculations cannot be 100% accurate.

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