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 Carter Mansion Cemetery, Elizabethton, Carter County, Tennessee, USA

Carter Mansion and the Carter Family Cemetery
Elizabethton, TN 37644

Located: On broad street, continue on Broad Street after the street intersects Hwy 19E.
The Carter Mansion and family cemetery are on the left just a few hundred feet after
the light. All information on tombstones and monumets were obtained in person by Anita

The following is stated on the Tennessee Historical Marker.

Historical Marker 1A-19
"The Mansion" was built before 1780 by John Carter and his son Landon. John Carter was
chairman of the Watauga Association, a court of five men elected by settlers of the
Watauga County in May 1772. "to govern and direct for the common good of all the
people." Carter County is named for Landon Carter and Elizabethon is named for his wife
Elizabeth Maclin. The family cemetery is located to the east of the house.

(beginning to the right and reading tombstones along the stone wall near the street.)
Section 1
TONCRAY, Jackson C., Vet. Surgen, 1801-1874, Army of Virginia C.S.A. 1829 Louise Eitzsimons.
D.E.C. VINDICE 1861-1865 (this is cross shaped marker located next to Toncray's stone.)
SHELL, infant of E.M. & N.L. b./d.4/9/1908.
SHELL, Josephine Elizabeth dau. of E.M. & N.L. d.1/11/1807.
SHELL, Walter son of E.M. & N.L. b./d.6/8/1809.

Section 2
TAYLOR, Mary N. 1830-1913.
BURROW, W.C. 1821-1906.
BURROW, Rebecca F. 1821-1825.
BURROW, Mary V. 1848-1883.
BURROW, Sarah H. 1850-1879.
BURROW, Eliza E. 1857-1882.
TAYLOR, Joseph 1799-1878, wife Rosana 1801-1882.

Section 3
SHELL, Stephen H. b.10/13/1902 d.8/12/1949, Tennessee SGT 395 Tech Sch SO AAF WWII.
SHELL, James 1870-1939, wife Jennie C. 1871-1947.
LEWIS, Nancy Ann b.6/3/1845 d.9/3/1906.
LOUIS, Fredrick J. b.5/27/1842 d.8/3/1902, LEWIS, Fredrick Co B 13th TN CAV.

Section 4
(located to the back near the chain link fence.)
SMITH, George b.3/29/1870 d.2/7/1948, wife Susan b.4/10/1883 d.11/20/1938.
SMITH, Roy S. b.10/10/1902 d.1/12/1924.
CARTER, Rev. Wm. B. b.9/11/1820 d.7/21/1902, stone was erected by his wife Ellen D. Carter.
CARTER, Elizabeth J. Brown 1830-1882, married to William Blount Carter 1850.
CARTER, Evaline Belmont Parry 1797-1877, married to Alfred Moore Carter 1818.
CARTER, Alfred Moore 1784-1850.
CARTER, Matilda M. Wendle b.-- d.1816, married to Alfred Moore Carter 1816.
CARTER, Elizabeth Maclin 1765-1862, married to Landon Carter.
BREWER, Ben. b.1/8/1790 d.4/8/1848.
CARTER, William 1856-1932, wife Ella Earhart 1866-1938.
CARTER, Mary B. b.4/16/1860 d.4/26/1900.
CARTER, W.B. b.9/11/1820 d.7/21/1902.
CARTER, A.M. d.5/5/1850.
CARTER, E.F. d.5/17/1877.
CARTER, M.H. d.3/20/1840.
CARTER, E.J. d.2/27/1882.

At the end of this section are three monuments on a large rock pile. The words are
typed exactly how it reads on the plauques.
Left plaque: Placed by Capt. Landon Carter A Soldier of the American Revolution.
Right plaque: Placed by Col. John Carter A Soldier of the American Revolution.
Large center plaque: John Carter --1781
Chairman of Watagua Association and of the five commissioners who established that first
written compact for Civil Government by American-Born Freeman.
Chairman of committie of safety in Revolution Colonel of Militia and in cammand
Watauga Fort, 1776 Entry-Taker. One of the first Delegates from Washington District to
North Carolina assembly member two contitutional conventions in North Carolina.
Landon Carter
For whom Carter County was named.
Captain Revolutionary War, in South Carolina and Indian Wars. Entry-Taker and Auditor
Washington District 1784 Represented Washington District in the House of Commons North
Carolina General Assembly, North Carolina Senate 1789 Secretary Franklin Convention.
Speaker first Senate member first council of State, Secretary of State Entry-Taker
1790 LT Col. Militia Justice of Peace, Washington County. Treasurer of Washington
and Hamilton Districts. Colonel in Campain 1792 Trustee Martin's Academy and of
Greenville College Brigadier General of Militia of Tennessee Built first Iron Forge
in Tennessee married 1784.
Elizabeth Maclin Carter
For whom Elizabethon was named.
Their children
Alfred Moore, John Maclin, Sallie S., William Blount, George Washington, Eliza M., Mary
C. Landon Carter represented Washington County in the first Constitutional Convention
of the State of Tennessee. His son, William B. Carter was President of the second
(1834) Convention and his grandson, William B. Carter, Jr., was a member of the third
Consitutional Convention (1870).

Section 5
(near the stone wall of the enclosed section.)
CARTER, William L. son of W.B. & S.E. d.7/19/1811.
CARTER, James I., General, b.1/1/1829 d.7/8/1859.

Section 6
(this section is surrounded by a stone wall.)
HARDIN, Cecil R. 1905-1992, married 9/1/1930 to wife Ethel 1907-1981.
THOMAS, William S. "Bill" b.9/6/1913 d.11/22/1994.
THOMAS, Minnie S. b.12/29/1889 d.6/28/1969.
THOMAS, Henderson Folsom d.8/28/1818.
THOMAS, Francis infanty son of Minnie, b./d.12/8/1906.
LEWIS, Addie Thomas b.5/5/1873 d.1/18/1963, husband William Fred Lewis b.1/12/1890 d.10/31/1941.
LEWIS, Stephen H. b.3/21/1864 d.3/8/1902.
LEWIS, Rhea E. 1900-1963.
LEWIS, Andrew J. b.9/15/1833 d.8/18/1889.
THOMAS, Jennie d.5/27/1924 87yrs, wife of W.S. Thomas.
THOMAS, W.S. b.6/19/1821 d.4/16/1885.
Unknown, S.H.L. no dates.