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Sunset Memorial Park, , Johnson County, Tennessee



Matches 1 to 50 of 226

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 (Dowell), Nell Jean  I88743
2 (Michael), Georgie L.  I63029
3 (Snider), Jenny  I50224
4 Absher, Ezekiel O. "Babe"  I18510
5 Adams, Willie Reece  I87597
6 Anderson, Charlie Fisher "Tuck"  I32060
7 Anderson, Mollie L.  I71813
8 Arney, Alma  I39975
9 Arney, Donnie Lou  I56606
10 Arney, Nettie Florence  I34976
11 Arnold, Daniel D.  I9945
12 Arnold, Harold  I51013
13 Arnold, Mary V.  I91456
14 Arnold, Robert Dee  I9156
15 Arnold, Ruth Leona  I9760
16 Baird, Moveta K.  I68261
17 Blevins, Richard Caswell  I53382
18 Brewer, Ruby F.  I51031
19 Bryant, Ann  I51647
20 Bryant, Sam  I51750
21 Bunting, James Walter  I28618
22 Bunting, Opal  I75542
23 Coldiron, Dorothy Sue  I85687
24 Collins, Tommy Darrell  I30311
25 Cornett, Karl William  I62116
26 Courtner, Carl Smith  I89581
27 Crowder, Ruby Dean  I61532
28 Davis, Gertrude L.  I27723
29 Dean, Myrtle May  I53308
30 DeLoach, John Sam  I4085
31 Doss, Larry Dean  I65213
32 Dowell, Harold Ray  I88742
33 Dunn, Charles Brownlow  I72247
34 Dunn, Clifton Charles "Cliff"  I73322
35 Dunn, Earl William  I64323
36 Dunn, Francis  I60471
37 Dunn, Joyce Nell  I67229
38 Dunn, Roby  I72051
39 Eastridge, Bessie Lee  I79249
40 Eastridge, Roby Julius  I62756
41 Eggers, Edgar Woodrow  I65108
42 Eggers, Roma Jean  I70550
43 Eggers, Selmer Gale  I59269
44 Eggers, Shirley Mae  I70921
45 Eggers, Wanda Lee  I70583
46 Eggers, William Howard Taft  I70989
47 Eller, George Thomas  I85031
48 Fenner, Arthur Albert  I38651
49 Fenner, Arthur Albert Jr.  I90429
50 Fenner, James Landon  I36413

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