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Phillips Cemetery, , Mitchell County, North Carolina



Matches 1 to 27 of 27

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Canipe, Ebern B.  I59563
2 Canipe, Hester  I41131
3 Canipe, Julia  I55275
4 Canipe, Zephaniah  I59597
5 Cook, Sallie  I68159
6 Green, Roas "Rosia"  I57782
7 Greene, Hattie  I71981
8 Greene, Roy  I74975
9 Hoilman, Claude  I3154
10 Hoilman, Claude  I40993
11 Hoilman, Grover Edward  I50798
12 Hoilman, Sherman  I41165
13 Ingram, Merrit  I69132
14 Insco, Ann Eliabeth "Eliza"  I59529
15 McKinney, Pearl  I78917
16 Parker, George Fornum  I55309
17 Parker, Magnolia  I59631
18 Phillips, Kesiah Catherine  I55106
19 Slagle, Donald William  I61495
20 Sparks, Thomas J.  I62832
21 Taylor, William Alfred  I67820
22 Webb, Minnie  I37975
23 Wyatt, Mattie L.  I62799
24 Yelton, Birdie  I67956
25 Yelton, John Henry  I71949
26 Yelton, Onald  I68023
27 Yelton, Samuel  I49094