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Payne Cemetery, , Johnson County, Tennessee



Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Eastridge, Pleasant  I70081
2 Graybeal, Phebe  I58509
3 Leonard, Mary J. "Mollie"  I52324
4 Lipps, Charity Martitia  I52258
5 Osborne, Mary E. "Mollie"  I69980
6 Payne, Arizona  I69465
7 Payne, Della M.  I91628
8 Payne, James C.  I69499
9 Payne, William Bynum  I68977
10 Payne, Zebulon  I52291
11 Rominger, Sarah C.  I70793
12 Simcox, Callie Lora  I70400
13 Tester, Maston James  I69431
14 Vanover, Elizabeth Ann  I91630
15 Vanover, R. B.  I91631
16 Vanover, Winston Ferry  I91627