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Northampton County, , , North Carolina



Matches 1 to 50 of 372

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 (DeBerry), Fanny  Abt 1838I41126
2 (Deloatch), Ann  Abt 1852I28249
3 (Deloatch), Anny  Abt 1830I25822
4 (Deloatch), Eliza  Abt 1845I27835
5 (Deloatch), Eliza  Abt 1864I28560
6 (Deloatch), Frances  Abt 1840I27387
7 (Deloatch), Frances  Abt 1850I27626
8 (Deloatch), Louisa  Abt 1845I28079
9 (Deloatch), Ressey  Abt 1848I28734
10 (Deloatch), Susie  Abt 1859I27455
11 (Fennell), Pattie  Abt 1836I41523
12 (Joyner), Mattie  Abt 1890I41194
13 (Plum), Mattie M.  May 1876I28168
14 (Turner), Mary  Abt 1870I41653
15 Beale, William Washington "Sandy"  Abt 1872I23722
16 Boone, Tom  Abt 1866I20956
17 Boykin, Mary  Abt 1716I16156
18 Boykin, Samuel  Abt 1730I16320
19 Branch, Ada  Abt 1884I81120
20 Branch, Alexander  Jun 1884I81121
21 Branch, Carolina  Abt 1880I81118
22 Branch, Charlie T.  Abt 1874I81113
23 Branch, Cornelia  Abt 1876I81116
24 Branch, Eddie  Abt 1872I81114
25 Branch, Emma Dora  Abt 1875I81115
26 Branch, Sallie  May 1881I81119
27 Branch, Walter  Abt 1878I81117
28 Clark, Rebecca Ann  Abt 1856I28099
29 DeBerry, Alice  Abt 1855I41057
30 DeBerry, Dred  Abt 1805I41160
31 DeBerry, Julia  Abt 1852I41092
32 DeBerry, Laura N.  Jul 1863I22035
33 DeLoach, Anna  Abt 1852I22299
34 DeLoach, Arthur Davis  Abt 1827I18465
35 DeLoach, Burgess  Abt 1856I27264
36 DeLoach, Caroline  Abt 1851I27332
37 DeLoach, Dorothy  Abt 1846I20078
38 DeLoach, Dorsey S.  Abt 1819I21352
39 DeLoach, Franklin  Abt 1853I22387
40 DeLoach, Hester A.  Abt 1845I24868
41 DeLoach, Hezekiah  Abt 1817I21386
42 DeLoach, James  Abt 1838I23707
43 DeLoach, John T.  1827I20615
44 DeLoach, Kayah  Abt 1816I21420
45 DeLoach, Lucretia  Abt 1838I18300
46 DeLoach, Martha  Abt 1823I18531
47 DeLoach, Martha J.  Abt 1847I24833
48 DeLoach, Mary Levenia  Abt 1824I18498
49 DeLoach, Rebecca Ann  Abt 1838I18333
50 DeLoach, Sarah  Abt 1821I21284

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Matches 1 to 22 of 22

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Boykin, Francis  1 Aug 1761I16122
2 Bridgers, John  Abt 1764I19605
3 Burn, Sarah "Salley"  Aft 23 Dec 1821I20699
4 DeLoatch, Columbus  21 Apr 1927I20706
5 DeLoatch, Exum  Aft 1880I22581
6 DeLoatch, Francis  Abt 1770I16697
7 DeLoatch, Francis Jr.  6 Mar 1814I16460
8 DeLoatch, John Wesley "Wes"  24 Jun 1902I20911
9 DeLoatch, Madison E.  Aft 1863I21012
10 DeLoatch, Ralph Graydon  22 Apr 1968I22592
11 DeLoatch, Solomon  Aft 26 Dec 1799I16358
12 DeLoatch, Sydney Columbus  28 Aug 1967I22623
13 DeLoatche, Charlie Scarborough  6 Oct 1908I27532
14 Edwards, Rebecca  Aft 8 Jun 1840I21216
15 Hill, Harmon  Abt 1777I16629
16 Jordan, Esther Roberts  6 Aug 1906I24465
17 Lewter, Elias  Abt 1809I24421
18 Martin, Caroline Jane  1 Oct 1901I27362
19 Ruffin, Etheldred  30 Mar 1777I18741
20 Sikes, Elizabeth  11 Jun 1835I17900
21 Sikes, James  Abt 1786I23685
22 Sykes, Elizabeth Arlene  26 Nov 1924I22272


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Boykin, Francis  Abt 3 Aug 1761I16122


Matches 1 to 50 of 79

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Boone / DeLoatch  Abt 1865F7738
2 Branch / DeLoatch  2 Mar 1871F21532
3 DeBerry / (DeBerry)  Abt 1850F8405
4 DeLoach / (DeLoach)  14 Apr 1843F7594
5 DeLoach / Allen  28 Mar 1844F8151
6 DeLoach / Davis  23 Apr 1822F7094
7 DeLoach / Wall  Abt 1725F6136
8 DeLoatch / (DeLoach)  Abt 1820F8121
9 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1860F8115
10 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1860F8248
11 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1860F8051
12 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1863F8988
13 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1867F8220
14 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1869F8289
15 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1872F9044
16 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1878F8739
17 DeLoatch / (Deloatch)  Abt 1880F8948
18 DeLoatch / Boone  Abt 1889F8219
19 DeLoatch / DeBerry  Abt 1881F8404
20 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  F8476
21 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1831F8037
22 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1841F7985
23 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1846F8412
24 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Sep 1847F8420
25 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1854F8723
26 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1863F8383
27 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1863F8451
28 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1864F8334
29 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1871F7986
30 DeLoatch / DeLoatch  Abt 1909F8439
31 DeLoatch / Edwards  Abt 1826F8030
32 DeLoatch / Female Slave  Abt 1809F8215
33 DeLoatch / Garris  14 Apr 1847F7747
34 DeLoatch / Garris  Abt 1930F9756
35 DeLoatch / Jordan  7 Aug 1877F8982
36 DeLoatch / Joyner  29 Apr 1914F12954
37 DeLoatch / Lassiter  Abt 1859F8740
38 DeLoatch / Lewter  6 Jul 1816F8152
39 DeLoatch / Person  Abt 1842F8261
40 DeLoatch / Plum  Abt 1896F9917
41 DeLoatch / Powell  Abt 1861F8359
42 DeLoatch / Randolph  20 May 1823F7920
43 DeLoatch / Scarborough  24 Jan 1865F7792
44 DeLoatch / Sikes  Abt 1772F6431
45 DeLoatch / Slave  Abt 1824F8491
46 DeLoatch / Slave  Abt 1829F8564
47 DeLoatch / Slave  Abt 1834F8563
48 DeLoatch / Slave  Abt 1838F8561
49 DeLoatch / Slave  Abt 1838F8562
50 DeLoatch / Slave  Abt 1855F8290

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