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Newland, , Avery County, North Carolina



Matches 1 to 26 of 26

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Braswell, Brazilla  I70457
2 Coffey, Henry Edward  I74897
3 Coffey, Ira Vance  I64541
4 Coffey, Jack Hundley  I63897
5 Coffey, Welda Louise  I63931
6 Danner, John Edward  I77282
7 Danner, Thomas Lloyd  I77714
8 Duckworth, Gurney L.  I70491
9 Gragg, Goldie  I77240
10 Harmon, Dane Delmer  I64771
11 Harmon, Rosa Leah  I14651
12 Hartley, Daniel Eugene  I62405
13 Hartley, Jefferson Winfred  I62472
14 Hicks, Leonard  I70593
15 Hughes, Frank Howard  I72165
16 Hughes, Marian  I30762
17 Owens, Jerry Hashell (Haskell)  I13489
18 Owens, Julian  I13675
19 Owens, Larsha Thomas  I13828
20 Owens, William Thomas  I13858
21 Teague, Nancy E. "Nan"  I62900
22 Thompson, Mollie  I62491
23 Townsend, Ralph Frank  I64806
24 Trivette, Rosa Ella  I13468
25 Underwood, Elzora Evelyn  I63064
26 Walls, Samantha Lela  I77324


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Trivette / Oaks  4 Jul 1927F4678