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Mountain Home National Cemetery, , Washington County, Tennessee



Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Arnold, Ernest J "Doc"  21 Feb 1982I8286
2 Bowers, William Leonard  19 May 1960I44817
3 Brumitt, Phillip Isaac  17 Aug 1960I49122
4 Caldwell, William H. Bryan  23 Jun 1955I40858
5 DeLoach, John  9 Jan 1948I2319
6 Fair, Charles S.  20 May 1954I42643
7 Garland, Willie C.  31 May 1969I32951
8 McCoury, Walter Elliot  11 Jan 1952I44037
9 Morefield, Dallas Jasper  5 Nov 2010I34605
10 Taylor, Elwood R.  4 May 1991I17017
11 Williams, Albert G.  11 May 2016I59337


Matches 1 to 50 of 409

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 (Sargent), Jesse Louise  I50670
2 Aldridge, Helen Imogene  I86055
3 Andes, Helen Irene  I80818
4 Arnett, Dewey  I49899
5 Arnett, Mary Lou  I91286
6 Arnett, Sandra Kay  I89165
7 Arney, Paul  I34348
8 Baker, Betty Ruth  I63490
9 Banks, Oscar Ray  I86813
10 Barker, James B.  I72114
11 Barnett, Donald Ray  I48427
12 Barnett, James Thomas  I48393
13 Barnett, Logan  I47134
14 Barnett, Ruth B.  I45485
15 Bartz, William David  I88261
16 Bartz, William Frederick  I88247
17 Benfield, Wilma  I54440
18 Bennett, Farrell  I63706
19 Bennett, William Ronnie  I85280
20 Blackburn, Carl Odell  I31285
21 Blackburn, Stuart Hill  I83674
22 Blevins, Boyce  I83720
23 Blevins, Dean Smith  I61362
24 Bowers, Beulah Jaquelin  I88263
25 Bowers, Shirley Anne  I91776
26 Bowers, William Leonard Jr.  I44749
27 Bowers, William Pat  I31886
28 Bowling, Larry  I91940
29 Bowling, Robert Dale Jr.  I67080
30 Bowman, Billy Joe  I86455
31 Bowman, William Dana "Bill"  I35011
32 Bradshaw, Alice Faye  I79336
33 Brantly, Terrence Travis  I9919
34 Braswell, Deeston Paul  I86762
35 Braswell, Germaine  I65122
36 Brewer, William Brooks  I91288
37 Britt, Shirley Mae  I91523
38 Britt, Thomas S.  I83116
39 Brumitt, Phillip Isaac  I49122
40 Brummett, William Frank  I42774
41 Buchanan, David Dewey Jr.  I82881
42 Buckles, Coranova Christine "Chris"  I48597
43 Buckles, Eugene F. "Jack"  16 Jul 2010I33262
44 Bunton, Larry Jack  I88266
45 Cable, Fannie Jane  I26794
46 Cable, Grant Ulysses Sr.  I80128
47 Calhoun, Dimple Margaret  I52811
48 Calhoun, Raymond  I48347
49 Campbell, Emma Lee  I33565
50 Campbell, Mary Evelyn  I48981

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