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Monte Vista Memorial Park, Washington County, Tennessee,



Matches 1 to 50 of 142

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Adams, Ella  21284260
2 Adams, Guy Lincoln  76554023
3 Adams, Julia Ann  7335782
4 Adams, Ruth Boone  73959843
5 Adams, Wiley Christian  75666829
6 Arnett, Lois Marie  41279774
7 Arney, Martha Ellen  35091554
8 Arwood, Hubert  21527789
9 Ayers, James Arley  23354317
10 Baird, Reba Mae  9656741
11 Bare, Mamie  20828456
12 Barnett, Edward Kenneth  17506062
13 Bennett, James  89978458
14 Bishop, Norma Allen  78629955
15 Blevins, Betty Joan  45033188
16 Bowman, Bessie Lee  10570952
17 Bowman, Madison  17858354
18 Britt, Dorothy Lea  64761096
19 Campbell, Jackie Richard  94560140
20 Campbell, Mary Ann  26564041
21 Carriger, Clifford  I39088
22 Church, Ottie M.  I35272
23 Clyburn, Thomas Elvin  76301384
24 Cochran, Goldia Virginia  40225696
25 Collins, Wilma Rhea  19945440
26 Cox, Lillian Ruth  86973416
27 Crow, Samuel Franklin  I49679
28 Crowe, Edith Dalene  99368012
29 Curtis, Jessie  69644956
30 Davis, Sally B.  96000880
31 Feathers, John Wallace  74490269
32 Felts, Dorthea  1945274
33 Finley, Anna Katherine  66384032
34 Ford, Joan  59748360
35 Fox, Bennick W.  27569478
36 Fox, Bob Vernon  43465894
37 Fox, Clarence L  50168328
38 Fox, Irene H.  479683
39 Fox, Varden  91000528
40 Frank, Lorraine Doris  77839565
41 Freeman, Delaney T.  14459314
42 Gaddy, Minnie Maybell  40894632
43 Garland, Farrell William  31498605
44 Garland, Haskell N.  22788568
45 Garland, Roy E.  94890112
46 Godsey, Beatrice Z.  84095504
47 Godsey, James Franklin  78586069
48 Godsey, James Franklin  31019632
49 Godsey, Patricia Ann  39887544
50 Godsey, Paul Avery  20802066

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