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Lacey Cemetery, , Carter County, Tennessee



Matches 1 to 35 of 35

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Arnett, Lemuel Elkanah "Cain"  I63978
2 Arnette, Gertrude Arizona  I42092
3 Borders, Tessie A.  I77236
4 Bowers, Mary Emily  I12341
5 Butler, Clyde Charles  I48583
6 Butler, William Merida  I48651
7 Crowe, James C.  I39121
8 Crowe, Martha Abigail  I30163
9 Davis, Norman  I50718
10 Ellison, Pearl  I84384
11 Heaton, John Henry  I11679
12 Hyder, Nancy  I69017
13 Lacey, Alexander  I50655
14 Lacey, Amanda Jane  I50623
15 Lacey, Catharine Doma  I68949
16 Lacey, Charles Thomas  I64392
17 Lacey, Esther Pauline  I22897
18 Lacey, James Phillip  I30198
19 Lacey, John Washington  I69051
20 Lacey, Martha C."Mattie"  I72159
21 Lacey, Mary Docia  I50686
22 Lacey, Theodocia Emily  I39087
23 Lyons, Earl C.  I77194
24 Lyons, George Washington  I77492
25 Lyons, Jacob Binuel  I77320
26 Lyons, Lola  I42028
27 Lyons, Mack Daniel  I77278
28 Lyons, Orpha Kate  I42060
29 Lyons, Thomas Dewey  I42188
30 Morrell, Thomas Malone  I22324
31 Radford, Mary Docia  I50153
32 Radford, William Clayton  I72192
33 Teague, Liddy Minerva  I44556
34 Tolley, Sophina Jean  I45907
35 Wilson, Mary Catharine "Kate"  I77536