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Ireland, , ,



Matches 1 to 18 of 18

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 (Duffy), Mary  Abt 1830I33679
2 (Laffrey), Mary Jane  Abt 1844I32073
3 Allen, Joseph  Abt 1841I87483
4 Allen, William  Abt 1821I87481
5 Bishop, David  Abt 1800I12223
6 Cochran, Robert  Abt 1817I59672
7 Culbert, Robert  Abt 1790I6539
8 Duffy, John  Abt 1820I33710
9 Kyle, Mary Katherine "Mollie"  Abt 1755I25712
10 Mack, Anne  I19396
11 McBride, John  Abt 1766I83370
12 McClure, Martha  Abt 1823I87482
13 McEntire, Phebe  Abt 1790I14827
14 Oakes, Joshua  Abt 1760I8484
15 Smith, Andrew  Abt 1790I14862
16 Smith, Francis B.  Abt 1815I12858
17 Thompson, Adam  Abt 1737I17982
18 Wilson, Isabella  Abt 1712I28596


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Allen / McClure  Abt 1840F23031
2 Smith / McEntire  Abt 1811F5214
3 Taylor / Wilson  Abt 1733F10100