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Haynesville, , Claiborne Parish, Louisiana



Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 DeLoach, Mary Exa  10 Jul 1895I18889
2 Lee, Mildred Elizabeth  7 Oct 1913I19496


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 DeLoach, Charles Thomas M.D.  25 Dec 1934I19564
2 Lee, Claud Collia  16 Jul 1959I19058


Matches 1 to 22 of 22

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Cox, Lucille  I18491
2 DeLoach, Aaron Thomas  I17790
3 DeLoach, Fannie Mae  I17663
4 DeLoach, Frank  I18655
5 DeLoach, Harry A.  I18162
6 DeLoach, John E.  I18227
7 DeLoach, Lelon T.  I18293
8 DeLoach, Malinda Merle  I18458
9 DeLoach, Mary E. 'Mollie'  I19831
10 DeLoach, Ruby Audna Gray  I18260
11 DeLoach, William Ezra  I18392
12 Entrekin, Louisa J.  I15195
13 Hudgens, Ruey  I17862
14 Moore, Era  I18194
15 Owen, Dock G.  I19699
16 Talley, Charles Hollis  I17997
17 Talley, John Douglas  I17896
18 Thomas, Jennie Louise  I18557
19 Thomas, Nina T.  I18129
20 Thompson, Philip Ralph  I17795
21 Thompson, Ralph  I17828
22 Williamson, Pearle Lablanche  I18326