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Flat Springs Baptist Church Cemetery, , Avery County, North Carolina



Matches 1 to 50 of 77

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Andes, Connie  I52915
2 Cable, Coy C.  I61923
3 Church, Martha Ellen  I42381
4 Clawson, Martha Jane "Mattie"  I34903
5 Clawson, Myrtle Bell  I55658
6 Cordell, Granville Nathaniel  I71142
7 Estep, Rosa Louise  I53960
8 Green, Lucy  I54662
9 Greene, Clayton  I36590
10 Greene, Ervin  I73609
11 Greene, Geter  I53926
12 Greene, Jacob Lee  I53892
13 Greene, Robert L.  I76356
14 Greene, Sarah Oda  I26064
15 Greene, William Ervin  I75751
16 Greer, Eliza Jane  I30672
17 Guy, Albert Jack  I60354
18 Guy, Andrew Jackson  I30557
19 Guy, Bradie  I30626
20 Guy, Calvin Avery  I30453
21 Guy, Conley David  I42349
22 Guy, Darnel  I60717
23 Guy, Dean Jarrett  I89325
24 Guy, Dewey Clayton  I60561
25 Guy, Enoch Colonel  I60379
26 Guy, John Gurney  I51372
27 Guy, Oliver  I60617
28 Guy, Pearl Marie  I71277
29 Guy, Roger Lee  I72360
30 Guy, Rosa E.  I60424
31 Guy, Stewart Butler  I60584
32 Guy, Susie Ann  I73561
33 Guy, Troy William  I60459
34 Harmon, Allen Ashley  I84853
35 Harmon, Earl Roger  I61298
36 Harmon, William Mathias "Tice"  I19277
37 Harmon, William Stanley  I25998
38 Henson, Anna Bernice  I63634
39 Henson, Bina Ethel  I80706
40 Henson, Edward Herrell  I63667
41 Henson, Frank  I80705
42 Henson, James Jackson  I12279
43 Henson, John Paul  I63734
44 Henson, Virgie Mae  I80707
45 Hicks, Senia Elizabeth  I61266
46 Jones, Maxine B.  I88585
47 Lambert, Floyd Dale  I89991
48 Lipford, Cassie Lena  I8247
49 Lunsford, Polly  I53858
50 Mann, Arnie Oliver  I55522

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