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Cook Cemetery, , Avery County, North Carolina



Matches 1 to 22 of 22

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Caraway, Granville Earl  I60888
2 Cook, Audrey Isabel  I60505
3 Cook, Charles Gilbert  I42891
4 Cook, Elizabeth Ella "Betty"  I39882
5 Cook, Nellie  I43640
6 Cook, Nola H.  I75877
7 Cook, Paul  I43572
8 Cook, Thomas Filmore  I60470
9 Cook, William  I43674
10 Cornett, Ruby L.  I39201
11 Crumley, Ivan Walker  I43606
12 Elliott, Frank  I43214
13 Greene, Dayton  I75833
14 Harmon, Margaret Helen  I15404
15 McGuire, Benjamin Franklin  I60539
16 Parlier, Coy Filo  I52666
17 Phillips, Luella  I78214
18 Story, Julia S.  I52633
19 Trivette, David Omer  I64258
20 Trivette, Margie Lee  I65434
21 Whitehead, Nancy Caroline  I42564
22 Winters, Robert Lee "Bob"  I39916