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Bunton Town, , Johnson County, Tennessee



Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Campbell, Selma Maude  I28573
2 Cowan, James Manly  I59989
3 Dugger, John Garfield  I50204
4 Dugger, Lucinda 'Senda"  I50138
5 Dugger, Rhoda C.  I50237
6 Dugger, Solomom Quince  I27516
7 Greer, Ned T.  I36821
8 Guinn, Amanda E. "Mandy"  I59620
9 Guinn, Margaret  I59283
10 Guy, Betty Lou  I64400
11 Guy, Eliza Jane  I64468
12 Guy, Liddia C.  I45586
13 Guy, Pell  I64434
14 Guy, Rosa Lee  I64536
15 Moody, Devona  I14270
16 Norris, Martha Alzina  2 Mar 1974I233