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Matches 201 to 250 of 257

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
201 Owens, Sarah Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Betty  25 Apr 1862I18688
202 Patton, William A.  Abt 1843I38910
203 Pearson, Mildred R.  Jun 1893I31527
204 Phillips, Maude  Apr 1868I31357
205 Powell, Abel Robinson  29 Feb 1828I19210
206 Raulerson, Nancy  Abt 1815I16591
207 Reed, Sumter Hill  14 Aug 1829I24586
208 Reeves, Sarah  Abt 1790I17889
209 Rimes, John Calhoun  30 Apr 1819I22960
210 Roby, Etheldra C.  Abt 1812I16457
211 Rogers, John Richmond  18 Nov 1868I84223
212 Rogers, Margaret E. "Maggie"  3 Apr 1857I20379
213 Rogers, Nancy  28 Sep 1833I22226
214 Rogers, Uriah Allen  6 Nov 1855I22795
215 Rollins, Mary Leona "Lonie"  21 Mar 1876I32870
216 Rushing, Lonnie O.  8 Sep 1872I24690
217 Sanders, Sarah Ann  Jun 1845I37650
218 Shaw, Ophelia  Abt 1864I34442
219 Sheffield, Permelia J.  May 1842I5250
220 Shirley, Elizabeth Ann "Betsy"  Abt 1850I30542
221 Shuman, Maud  Abt 1905I36928
222 Sikes, Hampton  Abt 1833I22179
223 Sikes, Nancy  Abt 1850I21068
224 Sims, Sarah W.  Abt 1816I21171
225 Slaughter, Jeremiah  Abt 1830I34104
226 Smith, Albert Dempsey  5 Apr 1904I71421
227 Smith, Nancy Elizabeth  27 Dec 1823I19620
228 Stanfield, John II  10 Mar 1833I27299
229 Stephens, Elizabeth "Betsy"  2 Dec 1811I18186
230 Stidham, Lucy A.  22 Jul 1866I74859
231 Strickland, Elizabeth M.  Abt 1795I18483
232 Summerall, David William  29 Jan 1818I74022
233 Surrency, Mary Carrie  8 Jan 1887I20421
234 Swindell, Katie Byrd  31 May 1900I40445
235 Talley, Martha S.  Abt 1854I20070
236 Thomas, Susie Viola  9 Jul 1884I55615
237 Thompson, Susannah "Susan"  Abt 1820I35593
238 Todd, Verbie  9 Apr 1915I28261
239 Tolbert, Martha Mary Ann  Abt 1840I24581
240 Truitt, Claude Dickie  17 Jan 1896I38398
241 Turner, Sophia C.  Abt 1823I39492
242 Varnadoe, Minnie L.  Abt 1894I34084
243 Walker, Emily Corrine  Abt 1880I32041
244 Waters, Inez  30 Sep 1890I29487
245 Watson, John Thomas  Feb 1831I32992
246 Watts, Elizabeth  Abt 1832I26719
247 Webb, Emaline  Abt 1832I34071
248 White, Margaret Theodosia  Abt 1850I20728
249 Wilkinson, Martha R  Jan 1868I23683
250 Williams, Wilburn Harris  Apr 1837I54806

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