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1. - Maybe A .Nurse (1) |
1. . Texas Post Oak Community (1) |
1. 10 (1) 2. 1400 800 (1) 3. 1701middletown(Marlboro) Nj (1) 4. 18-19 (1) 5. 1865. He Was Not On List At Appomatox. Archives Record Show Him In Alabama At End of War. (1) |
6. 1889 From T. East M. East Williams (1) 7. 1889. Deed From J. B. Highsmith to Her Her Heirs. (1) 8. 1889. J. B. M. O. Highsmith to Emily Deloach Her Heirs. (1) 9. 1889. Sarah Ana Highsmith to Mary O. Highsmith (1) 10. 1889. T. East . M. East to J. B. Highsmith (1) |
11. 1890 (1) 12. 1891 (1) 13. 1997 (1) |
1. 205-7 (1) |
2. 27 Jan 1920. Walter West Simms (1) |
1. 53-Bunnik62-New Neth (1) |
2. 57 (1) |
1. Aabama (1) 2. About 2 Miles North of Cross Roads School (1) 3. Age 30 (1) 4. Age 84 At Death (1) 5. Age 87 (1) 6. Al Age 64 (1) 7. Al. (2) 8. Al. In 1860. (1) 9. Alababa (1) |
10. Alabama (169) 11. Alaska (2) 12. Alleghany County (1) 13. Along With Her Mother Siblings (2) 14. Along With His Mother Siblings (1) 15. Am (1) 16. Am. Col. (4) 17. American Revolution (1) 18. Arizona (26) |
19. Arkansa (1) 20. Arkansas (106) 21. Arknsas (1) 22. Arzora (1) 23. Arzora. (1) 24. Ashe County. North Carolina (1) 25. Austria (1) 26. Avery County (3) |
1. Baltimore (1) 2. Bavaria (1) 3. Bba (1) 4. Behind Mount Vernon Baptist Church (1) 5. Belgium (1) |
6. Benton County Arkansas (2) 7. Bexar County. Texas (1) 8. Bondsman (1) 9. Boyd County. Kentucky (1) 10. British Colonial America (3) |
11. British North America (1) 12. Brother-In-Law of Pat Williams (1) 13. Bur Canada (1) 14. Bush Cemetery (1) 15. But Father of Pat Williams Died (1) |
1. Caanada (1) 2. Califoria (1) 3. California (120) 4. Canada (17) 5. Canton Ohio (1) 6. Carpenter (1) |
7. Carson Lumber County (1) 8. Carter County (3) 9. Ceramics (1) 10. China Until His Release. (1) 11. Colorado (31) 12. Connecticut (2) |
13. Connecticutt (2) 14. Connelly Springs Road (1) 15. County Bd. Riverside Cemetery (1) 16. County. Tennessee (1) 17. Cuba (1) 18. Cyprus (2) |
1. Delaware (10) 2. Denton Valley (1) |
3. Died Tuesday. (1) 4. District of Columbia (4) |
5. Dwelling 234 (1) |
1. England (59) |
2. Epsie In Letter Who Is Ma (1) |
3. Especially With Cattle (1) |
1. Fllorida (1) 2. Floeida (1) 3. Florida (115) |
4. Florida (Private Home On Park South (1) 5. Florida First Presbyterian Chu (1) 6. Fort Worth (1) |
7. France (17) |
1. Ga (1) 2. Ga to Be Buried. (1) 3. Ga. Census (1) |
4. Georgia (285) 5. Germany (24) 6. Grant County Or (1) |
7. Guatemala (1) |
1. Hall County (1) 2. Hawaii (4) 3. Hawkins County Tennessee (1) |
4. He Was An Auto Parts Manager For A .Dealer. (1) 5. Henderson County Texas (1) 6. Holiness Church (1) |
7. Holmes County. Mississippi (1) 8. Humphreys County Mississippi (1) 9. Hungary (1) |
1. Ia (1) 2. Ia Bd. Mount Zion Cem (1) 3. Ia West .Bro Abraham (1) 4. Ia) (1) 5. Ia61-Denver66-Columbus Ks (1) 6. Idaho (31) 7. IL (By Methodist Minister) (1) |
8. IL (Peoria) (1) 9. IL After Hb's Death (1) 10. IL Bd. Oak Grove Cem Near Leroy (1) 11. IL Home of James Vandeventer (1) 12. Ilinois (1) 13. Illinois (87) 14. In (Probably) (1) |
15. In the Household of Thos. Williams (1) 16. Indiana (67) 17. Iowa (46) 18. Ireland (9) 19. Italy (5) 20. Iw (1) 21. Iz. (1) |
1. Kansas (68) 2. Kansas City (2) 3. Kentucky (125) |
4. Knetucky (1) 5. Korea (1) 6. Ks (2) |
7. Ky (1) |
1. La (1) 2. La. (1) 3. Leroy (1) |
4. Limestone (1) 5. Living With Calvin Turner (1) 6. Louisanna (1) |
7. Louisiana (97) |
1. Madison County Arkansas (1) 2. Maine (2) 3. Manager Brookshire's (1) 4. Married ( Candy Bumgarner ) (1) 5. Married 34 Yrs. (1) 6. Maryland (61) 7. Massachusetts (11) 8. Mc (1) 9. Md (1) |
10. Mexico (4) 11. Mi (1) 12. Michagan (2) 13. Michigan (44) 14. Minister of the Gospel (1) 15. Minnesota (19) 16. Misissippi (3) 17. Mississipi (1) 18. Mississippi (72) |
19. Missouri (131) 20. Mo (4) 21. Mo B4 M. (1) 22. Mo Bd. Pleasant Ridge Cem Near Lone Tree (1) 23. Mo Eagleville (1) 24. Montana (22) 25. Music Teacher (1) |
1. Navarro County Texas (1) 2. Near Cove Creek (1) 3. Nebraska (23) 4. Netherlands (8) 5. Nevada (5) 6. Nevado (2) 7. New Braunfels (1) 8. New Castle Del. (1) 9. New Guinea (1) 10. New Hampshire (2) 11. New Jersey (33) 12. New Jesey (1) 13. New Mexico (19) 14. New Netherlands (2) |
15. New Netherlands(Ny) (1) 16. New Section (1) 17. New York (39) 18. Niece Mary J. Ratel Or Rathel Lived With Them. (1) 19. Noorth Carolina (1) 20. Norh Carolina (3) 21. North (2) 22. North Carilina (1) 23. North Caroilna (1) 24. North Caroina (1) 25. North Carolian (2) 26. North Caroliina (1) 27. North Carolija (1) 28. North Carolin (1) |
29. North Carolina (1020) 30. North Carolina Near Sugar Grove (1) 31. North Carolinia (1) 32. North Caroln (1) 33. North Carolna (1) 34. North Caroloina (1) 35. North County (3) 36. North Crolina (1) 37. North Dakota (4) 38. North of Loper House (1) 39. North Varolina (1) 40. Northcarolina (1) 41. Noth Carolina (1) 42. Nrth Carolina (2) |
1. Oakhill Cemetery (1) 2. Ohio (123) 3. Ok (1) |
4. Ok After Husband's Death (1) 5. Okalahoma (1) 6. Oklahoma (77) |
7. Opera (1) 8. Oregon (84) 9. Overseer of Farm. (1) |
1. Pastor M. East C. South (1) 2. Pemmsylvania (1) 3. Pennsylvania (63) |
4. Philippines (3) 5. Phillipines (4) 6. Played Pump Organ Directed Singing. (1) |
7. Plymouth County (1) 8. Probate Judge (1) 9. Probate Judge Presided Wedding (1) |
1. Rhode Island (8) |
2. Russell County Va. (1) |
3. Russia (9) |
1. S. C. (10) 2. Santa Monica Hospital (1) 3. Scotland (10) 4. Section 65 Area of Arnold Drive Marshall Drive) (1) 5. She Was A .Nazarene Preacher. (1) |
6. Sicilia (1) 7. Singing Gospel Songs (1) 8. Sister. (1) 9. South Carolina (179) 10. South Caroliona (1) |
11. South Dakota (2) 12. South Pacific (1) 13. Stark County. Ohio (1) 14. Switzerland (2) |
1. United States (42) 2. USA (3) |
3. Used Car Dealer (1) 4. Utah (7) |
1. Va (2) 2. Va. Am. Col (1) 3. Valley Presbyterian Hospital (1) |
4. Vermont (5) 5. Viet Nam (1) 6. Virginia (372) |
7. Virginiae (1) 8. Virgonia (1) 9. Vp5 Bio File Avl (1) |
1. Wa. Usa (1) 2. Wales (2) 3. Washington (62) 4. Washington Territory (1) 5. Washngton (1) |
6. Weaverville North C. (1) 7. West H. Chapman Precinct 8 (1) 8. West Virginia (73) 9. Westphalia (1) 10. Wesy Virginia (1) |
11. Wheelwright (1) 12. Wisconsin (12) 13. Wset Virginia (1) 14. Wwii (1) 15. Wyoming (4) |