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Matches 301 to 329 of 329

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
301 S124 Thomas Hart, Will of Thomas Hart (Northampton County, North Carolina Wills)
302 S219 Todd Owens , Father of Olling DeLoach
303 S209 Tomahawk Newspaper
304 S205 Tombstone
305 S201 Tombstone Inscription Ensor Cemetery Stoney Creek, TN
306 S197 Tombstone- Willow Springs Cem., Athens, Henderson Co., Texas
307 S193 U. S. Census Beat 8 Leon, Crenshaw Co., Al.
308 S189 U. S. Census-1880-Alabama-Crenshaw Co.
309 S185 Unicoi County Marriage Records
310 S181 United States Federal Census
311 S173 Upper Black Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
312 S9 USA, Bureau of the Census, 12th Census of the US, 1900. Washington, DC: National Archives & Records Administration, 1900. T623_1854 rolls., 1900 United States Federal Census (Name: ancestry.com; Location: Provo, UT; Date: 2004;)
313 S6 USA, Bureau of the census, 13th Census of the United States, 1910. Washington, DC: National Archies & Records Administration, 1910. T624, 1,178 rolls, 1910 United States Federal Census (Name: ancestry.com; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;)
314 S53 USA, Bureau of the Census, 8th Census of the US, 1860. Washington, DC: National Archives & Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls., 1860 United States Federal Census (Name: ancestry.com; Location: Provo, UT; Date: 2004;)
315 S325 USA, Bureau of the census. 14th Census of the US, 1920, Washington DC: National Archives & Records Administration, 1920. T625_2,o76 rolls., 1920 United States Federal Census (Name: ancestor.com; Location: Provo, UT; Date: 2005;)
316 S161 Wanda Arnold
317 S138 Warren P. Glenn, Message from Warren P. Glenn, Recipient: Javan M. DeLoach, Author E-mail: wglenn@dixie-net.com (17 Oct 1999)
318 S157 Watson Collins Family Bible
319 S323 Wendy , Ruffin (18 Jun 2000)
320 S145 Wilkes Co., NC Marriages 25 (ISBN: 975.682)
321 S141 Wilkes Genealogical society
322 S237 William Daniel DeLoach - Part 1, Family Bible (Name: compiler: Johnie Will Winge Moring; Location: Soperton, GA; Date: 30 Apr 1972;)
323 S234 William Daniel DeLoach - Part 2, Family Bible - Part 2 (Name: Compiler: Johnie Will Winge Moring; Location: Soperton, GA; Date: 30 Apr 1972;)
324 S111 William Owen Batchelor told T. C. Williams
325 S101 William Walling Bible, 1766-1885, Holy Bible. Privately held by Mrs. C. H. Snow, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Bristol, Tennessee. 1960. (Unknown: Unknown, Unknown)
326 S96 Willie Sims-Malakoff, Texas
327 S91 Wilson, Shannon Baxter-Ga.
328 S76 World Family Tree Volume 05 Tree 3153 Source Media Type: Book
329 S311 [Agency/Creator], Social Scurity Death ecord ([URL])

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