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Matches 251 to 300 of 329

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
251 S14 Robert J. DeLoach, 715 Montgomery St., Andalusia, Al. 36420
252 S11 Rockbridge Co., VA, Marriage Records
253 S8 Rootsweb, Texas Births
254 S5 Rootsweb, Texas Marriages
255 S2 Roscoe DeLoach
256 S190 Russ Calhoun, Sr., Lost Heritage, The People of Old Butler, Tennessee and the Watauga Valley (Overmountain Press, 1998)
257 S273 Sandy Herve Provided the family of Jessie Edward Crosswhite, her great grandfather., Crosswhites
258 S320 sandy@horizonview.net
259 S317 Sarah Carter Duffield - Family Bible
260 S153 Sent by Peggy Long
261 S82 Sharon Olive DeLoache deloache@intellex.com, Obituary of W.S. "Dub" DeLoach
262 S282 Shawn Eplee, Tolley - Blankenship Familey
263 S314 Shelton, Janet Wright
264 S48 Shirley Phillips Frier, Phillips Family, Our History our Heritage
265 S291 Sistler, East Tennessee Marriages
266 S316 Smith Callaway Banks, A Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Bulloch County, Georgia
267 S308 Social Security Administration Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration., Social Security Death Index (Name: ancestry.com; Location: Provo, UT; Date: 2007;)
268 S305 Social Security Death Index
269 S302 Social Security Records: U.S., SS Death Benefit Records, Surnames Beginning with W, Date of Import: Dec 10, 1996, Internal Ref. #
270 S299 Source #10
271 S296 Source #11
272 S293 Source #12
273 S290 Source #13
274 S287 Source #14
275 S284 Source #15
276 S280 Source #16
277 S277 Source #17
278 S274 Source #18
279 S272 Source #19
280 S269 Source #2
281 S266 Source #20
282 S263 Source #21
283 S260 Source #22
284 S257 Source #23
285 S254 Source #3
286 S251 Source #4
287 S248 Source #5
288 S245 Source #6
289 S242 Source #7
290 S239 Source #8
291 S236 Source #9
292 S195 State of GA. Indexes of Vital Records for GA: Deaths, 1919-98. LGA, USA: GA Health Dept, Office of Vital Records, 1998, Georgia Deaths, 1919-98 (Name: ancestry.com; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2001;)
293 S230 Susie Bell Batchelor.
294 S227 telephone call to Dick Wood from sister June in Calif.
295 S16 Tennessee. Carter County., Death Certificates. FHL microfilm, . Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
296 S295 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998)
297 S131 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of March 4, 2003)
298 S221 The History of Johnson County
299 S213 The Republican & Savannah Evening Ledger, 1809-1810, Thomson/Williams Article
300 S217 this name comes from Dr. Amos Garrison from his

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