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Matches 201 to 250 of 329

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
201 S326 Lillian Henderson, Roster of the confederate Soldiers of GA 1861-1865
202 S198 Lisa Waldman
203 S194 Lonnie Fink L.Fink1 on GEnie
204 S186 Macon Co. 1870 census
205 S182 Malakoff News 50th Anniversary announcement of parents.
206 S178 Malakoff News, May 6, 1999
207 S233 Marriage and Death Notices (November 25, 1853 Edition)
208 S166 Marriage License - Zachariah Robinson (License dated 1 Nov 1846 Return dated 3 Nov 1846 James B. Stone, Minister of Gospel)
209 S162 Marriage License, Robert Moody and Aletha Tolley
210 S158 Marriage License, Thomas A. Moody and Lizzie Oakes
211 S170 Marriage record of William Sneed and Mary DeLoach, Page 77, Davidson County Marriage Record Book I, December 13, 1788- December 29, 1837
212 S202 Martha Stout/Wanda Arnold, Letter to Sheila DeLoach Stout family info
213 S68 Martha Tomberlin Wall, Our Tomberlin Heritage (Name: Gateway Press, Inc; Location: Baltimore, MD; Date: 1995;)
214 S154 Marti Bowling
215 S112 Mary Anne Vittone , Moreland Family History
216 S206 Mary DeLoach Cassar, Letter to Laura Blue DeLoach DeLoach/Cassar Family 1994
217 S155 Mary Norton, Highlander Magazine
218 S210 Mary Tollie, Leonard & Martha Tolley's graves
219 S150 McLennan Co.,, Texas Birth Certificate
220 S134 Message from Winona
221 S130 Mike Cavenaugh/Mrs. Renald Zeutenhorst records Cavenaugh@aol.com
222 S125 Mike DeLoach
223 S121 Military/Pension Record
224 S117 Mitchell's School Atlas Entries handwritten by Jacob F. Grindstaff on front and back cover
225 S246 MJNGAN@aol.com, E-mail, Subject:Gant Family
226 S224 Molly Siler, The Carter Fanily, The Watauga Spinnerette, vol 26 no 1 (Jan-Feb 1954 ,)
227 S107 Mountain City Tomahawk
228 S108 Nell Marion Nugent, "Cavaliers and Pioneers" Vol I, II, III
229 S102 Neva Bryant Stout
230 S97 new.ged
231 S92 North Carolina Marriage Bonds Index
232 S87 Obituary
233 S77 Obituary, Les DeLoach, Location: Vancouver, Washington
234 S72 Oleta Evelyn Steinmasel
235 S128 Owen Burn, Will of Owen Burn (Northampton, North Carolina Wills)
236 S64 Pansy Long
237 S60 Paul DeLoach
238 S249 Paul Strength , E-mail, Subject: Dixie DeLoach
239 S56 Payne, Lena Highsmith-Bible
240 S52 Personal Knowledge from
241 S44 Pkedger, Clara Daisy DeLoach Descendancy Cchart
242 S41 Polk Co. Marriage Records
243 S38 Post Oak Cemetery Association, Malakoff, Henderson Co., Texas
244 S32 Rachel , a descendant of Wiley A. Harmon; son of Eli and Rhoda Dugger Harmon, Rachel Brown e-mail at reb4nahc@hotmail.com
245 S29 Randolph Greer Box 64 Helen, WV 25853
246 S143 Raymond Cable, Article 67, Casper Cable (Published by the Johnson County Historical Society, 2000.)
247 S26 Record
248 S23 Rex Timbs
250 S17 Robert J. DeLoach, 715 Montgomery St., Andalusia, Al. 36410

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