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Matches 151 to 200 of 329

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
151 S215 Fred L. Davis 5444 Peterson Lane, Apt, 1015 Dallas, TX 75240
152 S98 Frederick Lewis Weiss, Th. D., "The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215". by Frederick Lewis Weiss, Th.D, 3rd Ed, (Genealogy Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1982 , Descendants of the Signers of the Magna Charta who settled in America (1607-1700) Very high, Good research in England. Many references to Burke's Peerage.)
153 S139 GEDCOM file imported on 1 Sep 2003.
154 S211 Gene Tester, grandson of Minnie Harmon Tester, Gene Tester e-mail at neugene@gene-tester.com
155 S207 Genealogist Report
156 S203 Genealogy of William Fish- Direct Descendant of William Tipipins
157 S129 George Thomas Durrence, " Genealogy of The Durrence Family"- Compiled and edited by George Thomas Durrance (Published by George Thomas Durrence, 208 Hendrix Street, Claxton, Georgia 30417)
158 S191 Geraghty.GED.FBK.FBK.FTW
159 S142 Gloria Kingery
160 S187 Grannie Stout
161 S183 Gravestone (Gravestone in Burch Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon reads: FUDGE, Catherine 64 y 1868 Wife of A.)
162 S179 Gravestone of Sarah Frances Bell (Buried in Riverdale Cemetery, Columbus, Georgia)
163 S175 Grayson Walker GWALKER@netframe.utc.edu
164 S171 guess
165 S167 Henderson Co., Tx. Courthouse
166 S163 Henderson County Clerk's Office, Texas
167 S159 Henry Dickens remarriage--Greene Co. Missouri
168 S147 History of Johnson Co., TN
169 S135 Information from Ray Grindstaff
170 S126 International Genealogy Index, 1993 CDROM
171 S122 International Genealogy Index, 1994
172 S118 Interview with Laura DeLoach by Lisa Waldman 1994
173 S114 Irene Ellis Johnston, Irene Ellis Conversation, Interviewer: Mike DeLoach (27 Jun 1999)
174 S109 Israel, Marge
175 S261 J. Mike Durrence, E-mail from Mike Durrence, Recipient: Javan M. DeLoach, Author E-mail: Jmike45@aol.com (14 Oct 1999)
176 S177 J.L. Carrier, Upon a Lonely Hill, The Cemeteries of Johnson Co.TN
177 S66 James L. Douthat, Johnson Co. TN Marriage Book 1, 1838-1857 (1982)
178 S104 Jean Sutherlin Duncan.
179 S99 Jean Sutherlin Duncan.- Vol 11, pg 34
180 S94 Jean Sutherlin Duncan.-Memorial Record for Martha E. DeLoach Williams
181 S89 Jefferies, Glenda Payne
182 S294 Jenifer Reichle Provided information about the children of John A. Heaton and Celia DeLoach., E_mail, Subject: Family Tree
183 S84 Jerry Ann Kinnear Stout
184 S86 Jewel Wolfrey, Wolfrey (Jewel (Owens) Wolfrey Entries: 657 Updated: 2004-08-10 17:46:24 UTC (Tue) Contact: Jewel Wolfrey wolfrey@alltell.net)
185 S165 Joe E. Wallen 715 Hill Top Drive Johnson City, TN 37604 e-mail TenaseeVol@aol.com
186 S80 John J. Henry, Carter Family GEDCOM (Posted on RootsWeb WorldConnect)
187 S74 Johnson Co. Circuit Court Minutes Johnson Co., TN
188 S70 Johnson Co. News
189 S62 Johnson Co., TN Marriages 1796-1880
190 S58 Joseph L. Stout
191 S50 Joyce English-see her file- Book F.
192 S46 Joyce English-see her file-Book G
193 S151 Judge Harry R. DeLoach, History & genealogy of the DeLOACH Families 1630-1980 (Name: Judge Harry R. DeLoach; Location: 210 Penn Avenue, Claxton, GA30417; Date: 1981;)
194 S218 Judith Wimberly US003028@pop3.interramp.com
195 S252 Kurt Matheson , E-mail, Subject: Update on Alexander Matheson
196 S199 Kurt Matheson, George Matheson Message, Recipient: Javan M. DeLoach, Author E-mail: KurtM2362@aol.com (14 Jun 1999)
197 S35 Lane Cockrell, Post-em Note - Lane Cockrell, Recipient: Javan M. DeLoach, Author E-mail: lane@saludasc.com (17 Oct 1999)
198 S105 Larry Bowen, William Randolph Bowren FGS, Compiler Address: larry_bowen@hotmail.com (11 Nov 1999)
199 S120 LaVerne Rodgers, William DeLoach GEDCOM
200 S214 LaVerne Williams Rodgers

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