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Matches 101 to 150 of 329

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
101 S85 Carter County and It's People
102 S116 Cathy Abrams , Monk Family
103 S71 CD #229 Marriage Records KY, NC, TN, VA pre-1850
104 S67 CD #4; NC, VA, MD Marriages
105 S63 Cemetereies-Crenshaw Co., Al. by Joyce Crenshaw
106 S59 Cemeteries of Henderson Co., Texas
107 S51 Cemetery Records of Henderson Co., Tx. Book 1
108 S47 Census of Enumeration of Confederate Soldiers Residing in Alabma, 1907-Probate Court, Luverne, Crenshaw Co., Al.
109 S43 Census-Falls Co., Texas-1900
110 S40 Certified Marriage Certificate/License
111 S37 Charles Hayes via Jerry Church
112 S149 Chuck Tilman , Wiley S. Moody Family
113 S34 Clarence Omar (Buddy) d/Orsay
114 S31 Colonial Families of America, Carter, by Elliot.
115 S28 ConniePayne.FTW
116 S25 County Clerk Office, Henderson Co., Tx.
117 S22 County Clerk, Crenshaw Co., Alabama
118 S19 Crenshaw Co.. Al. Marriages Records, Brides & Grooms
119 S174 Dana Armentrout , Margaret Moody Family
120 S13 Death Certificate
121 S4 Death Certificate of Joseph Lincoln Stout
122 S1 Death Certificate of William Anderson "Badge" Williams Death Certificate lists the parents as William Williams and Anna Willis.
123 S10 Death Certificate of William Anderson Williams
124 S324 Death Record
125 S321 Death Record of Samuel Francis Chambers (On file in Kirkland, Washington)
126 S255 Deb McElroy Provided full names and dates of birth for some of the children of John Alvin Heaton and Celia DeLoach., E-mail, Subject: Samuel Carter DeLoach
127 S318 Deed, Johnson County Will Book B, pages 403-404. Heirs of Peter Snider to Tapley Wilson. 1809, proved Nov Court, 1812. Proves the date of death for Peter Snder, Sr., and lists his children.
128 S315 Della Fay Williams Price
129 S312 Della Fay Williams Price-birth Certificate #12628
130 S309 DeLoach, Mary Olive- Bible
131 S306 DeLoach, Roy H.-Florida
132 S276 Dennis Hinkle, Andrew J. Hinkle
133 S79 Direct descendant
134 S303 Discharge papers at Henderson Co., Tx.
135 S300 Doris Brown
136 S297 Dorothy Estes Wimberley-New Braunfels, Texas
137 S54 Dr. Richard Bucher, Medical Arts Building, Elizabethton, TN, Joseph William Robinson - Death Record
138 S258 E-mail from Thomas J Bell , Subject DeLoach Family of Tennessee
139 S7 E. A. Long, M.D., Death Certificate of John Hamilton Cole, Registration District No. 911, Primary Registration District No. 49109 (Roll No. 8, Book 1936, Page 23829, TSLA, Nashville, TN.)
140 S288 ED23, sheet 23A, Line 27
141 S313 Eddie Nikazy, Abstracts of Death Records for Johnson Co., TN 1908-1941 (Heritage Books 1994)
142 S169 Electronic Army Serial l# Merged File, 1938-1946 (Archival Database);WW II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the Natioal Archives & Records Administration, Record Goup 64; National Archives at College Park,College Park, MD, US World Warr II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 (Name: ancestry.com; Location: Provo, UT; Date: 2005;)
143 S285 Elisha Monroe Bagby VA Admission Application
144 S243 Evelyn Hanson Helton Source Media Type: Book
145 S240 Family Bible
146 S231 Family Bible of William H. and Nora Williams
147 S228 family history
148 S225 family history & tombstone in Covington Co., Al. Pilgrim Rest Cemetery
149 S222 Family talk.
150 S264 Frank Letcher, E-mail from frankletcher@earthlink.net, Subject: Abedengo Kiser

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