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51 | "Elizabethton Star," Friday, November 10, 1944 MRS. DEBBIE WINTERS Mrs. Debbie Winters, 70, died this morning at 11 o'clock at her home on Academy Street here. Funeral services have been arranged for Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the First Freewill Baptist Church, in charge of the Rev. J. C. Howington and the Rev. Carl Osborne, followed by burial in Peoples Cemetery, Unicoi County. Surviving the deceased are seven sons: Monroe, Buddie, Jess, Robert, and Ham, of Elizabethton, Frank of Phoenix, Ariz., and Roy of Unicoi; also a brother, Will Shepherd of Johnson City; a sister, Mrs. Sallie Jarrett, Elizabethton; 18 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. | Shepherd, Debbie (I28322)
52 | "Elizabethton Star," Friday, November 24, 1933 DEATH TAKES CIVIL WAR VET BUTLER, Tenn. - Joseph Powell Campbell, aged 86, died at his home in Grand Rapids Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. He had been in failing health several weeks prior to his death. Mr. Campbell was an ex-federal soldier, having enlisted in the 13th Tennessee Cavalry in 1863 at the early age of sixteen, and served during the remainder of the War. After the war he returned to Butler, where he spent the rest of his life. Mr. Campbell was born in Butler, Tennessee in 1847. Surviving him are Mrs. B. H. Bowman, a daughter, of Appalachia, Virginia; Daniel and F. C. Campbell, two sons, of Butler, Tennessee, and several grandchildren and numerous relatives of this vicinity. Funeral services will be conducted from the home of the deceased in Grand Rapids section today. Interment will be in the Stallines Cemetery, on Elk. | Campbell, Joseph Powell (I7030)
53 | "Elizabethton Star," Friday, November 25, 1936 HARVEY ESTEP Harvey David Estep, 86, died at his home at Carden's Bluff Wednesday evening at 4:30 p.m. Funeral services were held at the home this afternoon at 1 p.m. Rev. W. J. Potter of Hampton officiated. Interment was in the family cemetery. Survivors include one son, James Wesley Estep of Carden's Bluff; one brother, James Estep of Elizabethton; one sister, Mrs. Isaac Davis of Elizabethton; one half-sister, Mrs. Charles McPherson of Carden's Bluff; and eleven grandchildren, Mrs. Maynard Campbell of Carden's Bluff, Mrs. Stacy Stout of Dividing Ridge, Mrs. Ralph Campbell of Valley Forge, Mrs. Claude Williams of Freemont, Va., Mrs. Stanley Ward of Fishspring, Mrs. Sherman Jackson of Hampton, Stanley, Billy, Ora, Iva and Joyce Estep, all of Carden's Bluff. Active pallbearers: Eugene, Frank and Claude Estep of Elizabethton, Ralph Smith, Fole Campbell, R. S. Wilson, Charles Peters and L. H. Carden. Honorary pallbearers: Dr. J. B. Shoun, W. O. Phillips, Dr. J. D. Robinson, Henry White, Robert Estep, Sam J. Carden, Dr. J. A. Hardin, John L. Stout, J. L. Campbell, Jack Ward, Jones Carden, Melvin Campbell, A. G. Carden, J. A. R. Smith, D. T. Pierce, Charles McPherson, Rev. C. A. Blevins, Armstrong Pierce, J. J. Campbell, Lloyd Carden, O. P. and P. F. Smith. | Estep, Harvey D. L. (I12145)
54 | "Elizabethton Star," Friday, November 4, 1932 E. D. PRITCHARD E. D. Pritchard, 65, Roan Mountain, died Thursday morning at his home. Funeral services are to be held from the Roan Mountain Methodist Church in charge of Rev. J. W. Matney, presiding elder for this district, assisted by Rev. J. W. Crowe and Rev. J. C. Melbourne. Active pallbearers: Leon Young, D. L. Moore, James Pritchard, John Heaton and Frank Heaton. Flower bearers will be friends of the family of the deceased. Mr. Pritchard was born at Roan Mountain on August 4, 1867, and has lived his entire life in that section. He united with the M. E. Church at an early age, and continued an active and conscientious member until his death. He was married March 30, 1891 to Martha Singleton, and to the union were born two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Neaton[sic], who died 18 months ago, and Mrs. George Tomlinson, who with his widow, survives. Surviving also are two sisters, Mrs. Caroline Hughes and Mrs. Mollie Johnson, of Roan Mountain; and eight grandchildren, Frank, James, Corinth, Anabel, Harry, Betty C., Louise Heaton and Velma Tomlinson. | Pritchard, Elijah D. "Doc" (I10808)
55 | "Elizabethton Star," Friday, October 20, 1950 MRS. MARTHA E. MOREFIELD Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Morefield, 81, formerly of Neva, Tennessee, who had been making her home with her son, Connie G. Morefield on West "G" Street Extension, died in a local hospital Thursday at 3 p.m. She was a member of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church of Maymead. She is survived by two sons, Connie of West "G" Street, Extension, and Ira Morefield of Lundale, West Virginia; two grandchildren, P.F.C. Danny Morefield stationed in Germany and Mrs. Dorothy White of West Virginia; one great-grandchild; four brothers, Joe Dan Stout, Stanley Stout, and Nickolas Stout all of Neva, and Jim Stout of Route 5, Elizabethton; and three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Huskins of Erwin, Mrs. Sallie Walker of Neva, and Mrs. Stacey Slemp of Route 5, Johnson City. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the West Side Church of Christ with James H. Bingham and the Rev. Earl Campbell officiating. Burial will be in the Happy Valley Memorial Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Homer Farthing, George Simerly, Jack and Dave Honeycutt, Sam Hyder, Claude Kidd, Kermit Kerley, and Harry Fine. The body will remain in the chapel of the Tetrick Funeral Home until 1:00 p.m. Saturday when it will be taken to the church | Stout, Martha Elizabeth (I495)
56 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, April 11, 1938 TEACHER HELD IN HIGHWAY DEATH D. O. JOHNSON STRUCK WHILE WALKING ROAD Miss Louise Hazelwood Held On Manslaughter Charge Miss Louise Hazelwood, county school teacher of Fish Springs, will be arraigned before Magistrate Frank Edens next Monday, 10 a.m. on a technical charge of manslaughter in connection with the death yesterday afternoon of Daniel O. Johnson, 72, struck and killed by Miss Hazelwood's car near his home on the Mountain City-Elizabethton highway a few miles above Hampton. Miss Hazelwood was freed on $1.500 bond yesterday p. m. following, an investigation of Johnson's death by Deputy Sheriff Harlan Oakes. Funeral services for Johnson, a Spanish-American War veteran, will be held Tuesday afternoon at the home. He will be given military burial. Johnson was walking along the road on his way to visit a neighbor, it was reported, when the car driven by Miss Hazelwood struck him. His crushed and broken body was thrown against the windshield and the automobile ran off the road into the ditch. Miss Hazelwood escaped injury. It was reported Johnson was taken to the St. Elizabeth hospital, where he died a few minutes after admission. Johnson is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell Johnson, eight sons and daughters, 37 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Children surviving him are A. B., W. M., Daniel O. Jr., and George W. Johnson, Mrs. Julie Glover, Mrs. Cindy Peters, Mrs. Vernie Potter and Mrs. Zudie Long. Services Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock will be conducted by Rev. Houston Bowers, Rev. Phil Shepherd and Rev. J. V. Bunting. Interment will follow in the family cemetery. Active pallbearers will be George Hazelwood, Mike Hazelwood, Ed Hazelwood, Howard Hicks, Lewis Hicks, Bob Peters, W. O. Johnson, Mike Peters. Granddaughters and nieces will be in charge of the flowers. The body will be taken to the home near Hampton from the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home late this afternoon. "Elizabethton Star," Monday, April 25, 1938 FREE LOCAL WOMAN ON INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER CHARE IN ACCIDENT Magistrate Dismisses Case; Four State Witnesses Called Miss Louise Hazelwood, Fish Springs, school teacher was freed of charges of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the highway death two weeks ago of D. O. Johnson, 72, on the Hampton-Mountain City highway near Hampton. Magistrate Frank Edens dismissed the case this morning after four witnesses had testified for the state. The defense placed no witnesses on the stand. Miss Hazelwood was arrested and placed under $1,500 bond Sunday, April 11, after striking Johnson with her car while he was waling along the road near his home about five o'clock in the evening. Johnson was tossed up on the hood of the car, which ran into the ditch. He died on the way to the hospital. Johnson's crushed body rolled into the road as the car hit the ditch. Deputy Sheriff Harlan Oaks, Cart Oliver, Philip Shepard, George Johnson, the latter three eyewitnesses to the tragedy, testified for the state. Johnson is a son of the deceased man. Vine and Pearson acted as counsel for the Johnson brothers who prosecuted the case and Sherman Grindstaff was counsel for Miss Hazelwood, daughter of R. A. Hazlewood. | Johnson, Daniel O. (I34797)
57 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, April 12, 1943 CELIA WILLIAMS BUCKLES Celia Williams Buckles, age 89, died at home of her son, F. T. Buckles, on Blue Springs Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. after a short illness. Mrs. Buckles was the mother of ten children; and she is survived by two sons, A. F. and F. T. Buckles, both of Elizabethton; two brothers, Everette Williams of Hampton and Samuel Williams of Elizabethton; and one sister, Mrs. Ida Vaughn of Elizabethton. Her husband T. J. Buckles, preceded her in death seventeen years ago. Funeral services were conducted from the Caldwell Springs Baptist church this afternoon at 2:30 p.m., with the Rev. Arthur Roberts and Rev. T. B. Freeman in charge. Interment will be in Buckles cemetery. Pallbearers will be the grandsons, Carmack Danner, Claude, Clay, J. N., Eston, and Gene Buckles. Flowerbearers[sic] will be the granddaughters. | Williams, Celia J. (I12494)
58 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, April 18, 1938 D. N. COLBAUGH D. N. Colbaugh, 70, Carter, died at a local hospital yesterday morning, with funeral services to be held at the home Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. The Reverend Arthur Roberts, Reverend Howell and Rev. Campbell will be in charge of the services. The deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Maggie Colbaugh, three daughters, Mrs. Ada Garland, Mrs. Bessie Taylor, Mrs. Myrtle Cole; two sons, T. N. Colbaugh, Carter, and George Colbaugh, Winchester, Idaho; 15 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Pallbearers will be Henry Taylor, Stanley Sheffield, Herman Grindstaff, Nick Lewis, D. C. Patrick, John Lowe. Flower bearers: Cora Peters, Mona Cole, Edna Grindstaff, Manna Cole, Ina Cole, Pearl Jennings, Hazel Cole, Ella Peters, Helen Cole, Zola Grindstaff. Interment will be in the family cemetery. | Colbaugh, Daniel Nave (I26810)
59 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, April 19, 1948 WILLIAM ELBERT GRINDSTAFF William Elbert Grindstaff, 55, died suddenly Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Grindstaff was an employee of the Tennessee Chair Factory for the past six years. He was a member of the Dungan Chapel Baptist Church. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Sinnie Grindstaff; two sons, Warren P. Grindstaff, Crawford D. Grindstaff, of Route 5, Elizabethton; six daughters, Mrs. William A. Bowers, Route 2, Elizabethton; Mrs. Dayton Payne, Route 1, Elizabethton; Blanche, Hazel, Willa Mae, and Phyllis Jane Grindstaff of Route 5, Elizabethton; four grandchildren, parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Grindstaff, Route 2, Elizabethton; four brothers, Clayton C. Grindstaff, Route 5, Elizabethton; David M. Grindstaff, Route 2, Elizabethton; John Grindstaff, Big Stone Gap, Va., and Cecil Grindstaff, Roda, Va.; three sisters, Mrs. Dayton Campbell, Route 5, Elizabethton, Mrs. Letha Garland, Route 5, Elizabethton, and Mrs. Coy Cable, Route 4, Elizabethton. Active pallbearers are Walter Grindstaff, George Collins, Jim Cable, James Estep, Wilburn Grindstaff, and Clyde Peters. Flower bearers are Louise Sandifer, Annie and Cora Collins, Iona Estep, Ida Grindstaff, Christine Taylor, Mary Belle Richardson, Geraldine and Lucille Eggers. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at the Dungan Chapel Baptist Church with the Rev. Mac Hodge officiating. Burial will be in the Ensor Cemetery. The body was returned to the home, Route 5, Elizabethton, this morning and will remain there until 1:30 p.m. Tuesday when it will be taken to the church to lie in state one hour before time for the funeral. Roy Hathaway Funeral Home is in charge. | Grindstaff, William Elbert (I12684)
60 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, April 28, 1947 MRS. E. F. TESTER Mrs. Cameline Tester, 67, of Route 2, Butler, died in the Appalachian Hospital Sunday afternoon. She was a member of the Elk River Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Eli Finley Tester; eight sons, Howard, Luke, Nelson, Lewis, Earl and Coy of Butler, Ben of Hampton, and Finly P. Tester with the civil service stationed at Tokyo, Japan; six daughters, Mrs. Mae Cooke, Mrs. Ruby Trivette, and Mrs. Ida Finny of Rominger, N. C., Mrs. Ruth Jones of Durham, N. C. and Mrs. Rilda Campbell of Cosby, Tennessee; one sisters, Daisy Hicks of Elk Park, N. C.; thirty-seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted from the Elk River Baptist Church Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. with the Rev. Joe Miller, the Rev. Tommy Stansberry, and the Rev. Dayton Jones officiating. Burial will be in the Lewis Cemetery in Sugar Hollow. Active pallbearers will be Author Dugger, Rod Norris, Andrew Finney, Bud Green, Wheeler Van Cannon and Dewey Dugger. Flowerbearers[sic] will be Maude Gryder, Ida Lou Gryder, Mary Cable, Della Miller, Lilly Sheffield, Edith Finney, Ira Hicks and Bonnie Ruth Eggers. The body will be moved to the home today at 4:00 p.m. from the chapel of the Tetrick Funeral Home. | Presnell, Sarah Camoline (I34515)
61 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, August 22, 1938 MRS. ETHEL ROBINSON Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel Robinson, age 47, who died at her home at Carter yesterday after a lingering illness, were held at Stoney Creek Baptist church this afternoon at 1:30. The Rev. Arthur E. Roberts and the Rev. D. K. Kilgore officiated. Mrs. Robinson is survived by her husband, Seth Robinson, and five children: three daughters, Mrs. Grace Kelly, Watauga Valley; Miss Nell Robinson and Lea Robinson of Carter; two sons, Bryce and Clyde Robinson of Carter; four sisters, Mrs. Vada McQueen, Mountain City, Mrs. W. L. Nave and Mrs. R. C. Jordan, Mountain City, Mrs. W. L. Nave and Mrs. R. C. Jordan of Elizabethton[sic]; two brothers, Bob and Winford Allen of Doeville. Pallbearers were Dewey Fletcher, Snyder Rasar, Willie Ritchie, Paul Ellis, Sanford Davis, Howard Egli. Honorary pallbearers: Bill Taylor, Noah Grindstaff, E. S. Stout, Web Grindstaff, G. T. Huskins, A. G. Stout, W. B. Morley, Walter Grindstaff, Walter Lewis, McKinley Nave, Charles Ronye, B. B. Berry, Ben Allen, Tom Jordan. Flower Bearers: Mrs. Mamie Davis, Lorina Proffitt, Mrs. Charles Range, Mrs. Gilbert Peters, Josephine Ritchie, Bulah Ritchie, Eunice Slater. | Allen, Ethel (I38429)
62 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, August 25, 1941 JOHN H. HEATON John H. Heaton, age 82, died suddenly at his home, Siam, Sunday morning at 6:00 o'clock. Funeral services will be conducted from the Siam Baptist church Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with the Rev. H. C. Hopkins officiating. Interment will be in the Lacy cemetery, at Blevins, Tenn. Survivors: two daughters, Mrs. Warner Shell, and Mrs. John L. Heaton, Carter County; four sisters, Mrs. Rhooda[sic] Collins, Mrs. Abbie Bowers, Mrs. Rebecca Glover and Miss Nancy Heaton, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; also several nieces and nephews. Pall bearers: O. F. White, Brenton Randolph, Belvic Heaton, Cecil VanHuss, Isaac Grindstaff, Stewart Edwards, Butler Hardin and Isaac Campbell. Flower bearers will be selected from friends at the funeral. | Heaton, John Henry (I11679)
63 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, August 31, 1936 C. LEWIS Neal C. Lewis, 52, died at his home on Stoney Creek Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. Funeral services will be held from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William L. Bowers at Hunter, Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock with the Rev. Arthur Roberts officiating. Interment will be in the Academy Cemetery. Mr. Lewis is survived by five children: Albert and Tom Lewis, Mrs. William L. Bowers, Mrs. Roy Collins, and Mrs. Floyd Dugger. Other survivors are two brothers, Andy and Isaac Lewis; three sisters, Mrs. Nancy Ann Bowers, Mrs. Mollie Lewis, Mrs. Mattie Bowers; also a number of grandchildren. Active pallbearers will be Everert Bowers, Monroe Bowers, Emery Bowers, Alf Williams, Charlie Oliver, Mike Williams and Stant Hicks. Flower bearers will be selected from friends attending the funeral. | Lewis, Neal (I30027)
64 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, December 20, 1943 Local Man Killed In Car Accident Clarence H. Lyons, age 27, died Saturday morning at eight o'clock from injuries sustained in an automobile accident near Lawrenceville, Virginia. He was employed in the shipyards at Portsmouth, Va. and was en route home for the week-end when the accident occurred. Mr. Lyons was a native of Carter county and a member of the Harmony Baptist church. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Grace Lyons, father, Landon Lyons, step-mother, Mrs. Cora Lyons; one sister, Mrs. Ralph Myers; one half-sister, Miss Marjorie Lyons, all of Elizabethton; four brothers, Roy E. Lyons, Knoxville; William A. Lyons, Earl and Howard Lyons, of Elizabethton; and a number of nephews and nieces. Funeral services were conducted from the Harmony Baptist church this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with the Rev. D. L. Brainard and Orville Richards officiating. Burial will be made in the church cemetery. Active pallbearers were Glen Matheson, Charles Davis, Jim Myers, Carl Lyon, Howard Marshall, Manyard Ryan. The Roy Hathaway Funeral Home was in charge. | Lyons, Clarence H. (I38720)
65 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 1, 1943 NANCY ABIGAL RENFRO Mrs. Nancy Abigal Renfro, age 72, died in the St. Elizabeth hospital, Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock after an illness of a few days. Mrs. Renfro was a native of North Carolina, but has made her home in Carter county for the past 16 years. She was a member of the Methodist church. Survivors: her husband, M. C. Renfro, two daughters, Mrs. Charles Parnell, Spruce Pine, N. C., Mrs. Cora McCurry, Johnson City, route 5; five sons, Luther Renfro, Green Mountain, CN. C., R. H. Renfro, Erwin, John F. Renfro, Spartansburg, S. C., Homer and David Renfro, Johnson City, route 5; four brothers, R. C. Peterson, Erwin, Hiram Peterson, Chesney, S. C., James Peterson, Lenoir City, Tenn., Jus[sic] Peterson, Green Mountain, N. C.; two sisters, Mrs. George Allen, Erwin, Mrs. C. C. Garland, North Carolina, and 20 grandchildren, 11 gree4at grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted from Central Methodist church in Erwin this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, with the Rev. I. G. Crowder and Rev. C. H. Williams officiating. Burial was made in Evergreen Cemetery. Active pallbearers: Howard Renfro, Charles Renfro, Glen Renfro, Robert Renfro, W. M. Garland, Holder Garland. Mrs. Renfro was returned to her home, route 5, Johnson City, Sunday afternoon from the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home. | Peterson, Nancy Abigail (I37696)
66 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 10, 1936 JIM ED LYONS Jim Ed Lyons, 78, died Sunday evening at his home at Keenburg. Survivors of the deceased are the widow; three children, Jasper Lyons, Landon Lyons, and May Lyons; three brothers, Tuck Lyons and Zeke Lyons of Elizabethton, and Sam Lyons of Bluff City. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence Tuesday morning at ten o'clock with the Rev. James Black officiating. Interment will be in the family cemetery. Pallbearers will be Arney Carr, Ed Davis, John B. Lyons, Claude Davis, Carl Roten and Haskel Carr. Those in charge of the flowers will be Goldie Carrier, Mary Carrier, Pansy Davis, Noma Ellis, Iva Shuffield and Cara Chambers. | Lyons, Jim Ed (I38618)
67 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 12, 1934 DEATH TAKES RUTH BOWERS, 65, AT HUNTER Miss Ruthie Bowers, aged 65, died at her home at Hunter Sunday morning. Funeral services will be held this afternoon from the home at two o'clock, and will be conducted by the Rev. E. E. Hazelwood. Burial will be in Academy Cemetery at Hunter. Miss Bowers is survived by two sisters, Josie Bowers and Mrs. Mollie Oliver; and two brothers, David and Daniel Bowers. | Bowers, Rutha E. (I11528)
68 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 14, 1938 Cripple Held For Slaying Johnson Man - Claims Neighbor Invaded Home And Threatened Death. Mountain City, Feb. 14 - Sheriff J. T. Greever stated this morning that Clarence Potter, 55, crippled, was being held in jail this morning on charge of murdering Stacy Roark, 50, his neighbor at the Potter home in the third district. Although details of the shooting were not known, Potter claimed that he shot in self-defense when Roark and two other men broke down the door to his home as he lay asleep and threatened to shoot him. Roark was shot with a 12-guage shot gun, the charge entering his left side. Roark lived about an hour after being shot but died before the doctor arrived, it was reported. Two men with Roark made their escape and are not known, it was said. Potter said he could no reason for Roark's action. It was not known whether Roark was really armed or not. Trial for Potter has been set before Magistrate T. A. Wills for next Saturday. | Roark, Stacy B. (I7739)
69 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 22, 1943 F. C. GENTRY F. C. Gentry, age 88, retired farmer, died at his home Johnson City, RFD 5, early Saturday night after several months' illness. Funeral services were conducted from the Dewey Christian church in Doe Valley this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment will be in the Wilson cemetery, Johnson county. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Bertha Gentry; five sons, Elbert, Mountain City, Clayton, Isham and Curtis Gentry, of Johnson City, and Webster of Peoria, Ill.; two daughters, Mrs. Victoria Harper, and Mrs. Charles Morefield, both of Mountain City; two stepsons, Jessie Gentry, Johnson City, and James Gentry, of Elizabethton. Pallbearers and flower-bearers will be selected from friends attending the funeral. The body was removed from North Funeral Home to the family residence Sunday afternoon. | Gentry, Ferdinand C. (I34571)
70 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 26, 1934 A. T. KELLY T. Kelly, aged 82, died at his home near Keenbury[sic] Monday morning at 2 a.m. Mr. Kelly had been ill for several months. He was an employee of the Empire Chair Co. for 15 yeas. Mrs. Kelly preceded her husband to the grave March 9th, 1928. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Avery Gouge, Watauga Valley, Tenn., Mrs. Mary Gouge, Gibstown, New Jersey, Mrs. Nannie Estep, Elizabethton, and one son, J. H. Kelly, Elizabethton. Funeral services will be conducted from the Church of God in Arney addition at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. Nat Coleman and the Rev. Ruben Carden will officiate. Jr. O.U.A.M. Council No. 1 will have charge of the services at the grave. Pall bearers: Sam Fondern, J. B. Crowe, Carl Lewis, Maples Carriger, J. B. Penix, and Jessie Nave. Flower bearers: Miss Ora Miller, Mrs. Bob Woods, Mrs. Joe Williams, Miss Maggie Whitehead, Miss Nell Gobble, and Mrs. Celmel[sic] Ritchie. | Kelly, Arthur T. (I39793)
71 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 3, 1941 MRS. WILEY CABLE DIES AFTER ILLNESS Mrs. Wiley Cable, 26, died in a local hospital Sunday afternoon at 1:45, after a brief illness. The deceased was a member of the Lower Elk Missionary Baptist church. Surviving are her husband, four children: Wiley, 7; Jessie, 5; Joe, 4; Jack, 18 months; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell; five sisters, Maggie Campbell, Mrs. Will Lewis, Mrs. D. Lewis, Mrs. Dan Taylor, Mrs. Hobe Richardson; two brothers, Willie Campbell, Johnson City; John D. Campbell, Carter. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the Lower Elk Baptist church, Rev. Dayton Jones and Rev. Joe Potter officiating. Burial will be made in the Lower Elk Cemetery. The body will remain at the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home until time for the funeral Tuesday. Pall bearers: Dewey Dugger, Hank Miller, Donald Finney, Arley Grynder, Arthur Dugger, Walter Greer. Flower bearers: Misses Edell Miller, Ina Hicks, Bonnie Finney, Edith Main, Mrs. Deila Miller and Ruby Trivett. | Campbell, Flora May (I30911)
72 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 3, 1947 NELLIE B. DELOACH Mrs. Nellie B. DeLoach, 66, died suddenly at her home 508 Siam Pike, Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. She was a member of the First Free Will Baptist Church. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Martha Blackburn of Elizabethton; one daughter, Mrs. Cozette Hinkle of 409 South Main Street; four sisters, Mrs. John Fair and Mrs. Ida DeLoach of Elizabethton; Mrs. Julie Moody of Elk Park, N. C., and Mrs. Ella Turner of Maryville, Tennessee; two brothers, Clifton Blackburn of Elizabethton and Dan H. Blackburn of Maryville, Tennessee; three grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted from the First Free Will Baptist Church Tuesday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Houston Blevins officiating, assisted by the Rev. Clarence Howington. Burial will be in the Highland Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be nephews, Elmer, Ed and Lester DeLoach, and Jess, Paul and Roy Fair. The body was moved to the home Monday at 10 a.m. from the chapel of the Tetrick Funeral Home. | Blackburn, Cornelius B. (I32078)
73 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 8, 1943 MRS. SARAH JANE ELLIOTT Mrs. Sarah Jane Elliott, age 62, a well known resident of Elizabethton, died at her home 227 N. Main street Sunday morning at 4:00 o'clock after a short illness. Funeral services will be conducted from the Calvary Baptist church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with the Rev. George Westmoreland and Rev. James Boyd in charge. Interment will Survivors are her husband: J. T. Elliott; eight sons, Arthur, James, Ike, Roscoe, and J. T. be in the Caldwell Springs cemetery at Carter. Elliott, Jr., all of Elizabethton, Dan, Clarence and Floyd Elliott, all of Binghamton, N. Y.; two sisters, Mrs. Brownlow Arney, Elizabethton, RFD 5, and Miss Amanda Phipps, Johnson City; also 10 grandchildren, and a number of nephews and nieces. Pallbearers: Ray Heaton, John Turner, Wally Elliott, Joe Elliott, Alex Elliott, and O. B. Collins. Flowerbearers[sic]: Mrs. Ray Heaton, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Hattie Moody, Mrs. Emma Bowers, Mrs. O. B. Collins, Mrs. Delaney Powell, Mrs. Reynolds McKinney, Mrs. Hassie Bowman, Mrs. Ray Campbell, Mrs. Lula Campbell, Mrs. Paul Noel, and Mrs. George Angel. The body will remain at the North Funeral Home until the hour of the funeral. ELLIOTT, Sarah Jane "Elizabethton Star," Tuesday, February 9, 1943 MRS. SARAH JANE ELLIOTT Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Jane Elliott, age 62, who died Sunday morning, were held this afternoon at 2:30. Burial was made in the Caldwell Springs cemetery. Survivors are her husband, J. T. Elliott; eight sons, Arthur, James, Ike, Roscoe and J. T. Elliott, Jr., all of Elizabethton, Dan, Clarence and Floyd Elliott of Binghampton, N. Y.; one daughter, Gertrude Elliott, of Elizabethton; two sisters, Mrs. Brownlow Arney, Elizabethton, route 5, Miss Amanda Phipps, Johnson City, 10 grandchildren and a number of nephews and nieces. | Phipps, Sarah Jane (I39724)
74 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, February 9, 1942 MRS. I. F. SHANKEL Mrs. I. F. Shankel died at her home at Carter today of a heart attack. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Shipley of Bluff City and a member of a prominent pioneer family of this section. Mrs. Shankel was married to I. F. Shankel in 1896, and is the mother of ten children, eight of whom survive her: Elbert, Clyde and Glynn Shankel, Mrs. A. M. Peters, Mrs. Clyde Hardin of Carter; Mrs. Roby Danner of Elizabethton, Mrs. Dallas Peters of Saginaw, Michigan and Hurshell Shankel who is with the U. S. Army stationed at Fort Ord, California. She is also survived by twenty-nine grandchildren; one brother, John Shipley of Bluff City; four sisters, Mrs. John A. Glover of Bristol, Mrs. Joe Rickards of Knoxville, Mrs. Joe Bullock and Mrs. Arthur Hyatt of Bluff City. She had been a member of and closely affiliated with the Christian church for forty years. Funeral services will be conducted from the Christian church at Carter with John Hall and G. H. Laws officiating. Burial will be on the Mountain View cemetery at Bluff City. Active pallbearers will be W. C. Cole, R. D. Cole, Robert Hardin, Wade Renfro, Erve Hardin, W. O. Garland. Flower bearers: Mona and Ina Cole, Mrs. Gertrude Cole, Mamie and Lola Davis, Ina Hardin, Flora Forbes, Zola Mae and Edna Grindstaff, Lena and Katherine Buckles, Pearl White, Anna Renfro, Monia Cole, Mrs. Florence Fair, Ina Wilson, Mrs. Anna Mae Price, Mrs. Eva Taylor, Mrs. George Williams, Mrs. Ruth Elliott and Mrs. Ethel Boer. | Shipley, Margaret (I37067)
75 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, January 15, 1940 THOMAS ARTHUR BECK Thomas Arthur Beck, 42, died at the home on Holly street, Sunday morning at 5:30 o'clock after a lingering illness. Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Sinnie Beck and one aunt, Mrs. Lafayette Hinkle of Jonesboro, Tenn. Funeral services will be conducted from the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home Monday afternoon at 3:30 with the Reverend J. J. Musick in charge. Burial will be in Colbaugh Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Erby Scalf, B. A. Lipford, C. R. Hathaway, Arch Russell, Ralph Allison, Ben Cardwell, Charlie Hart, Percy Brummitt, Robert Russell, Walter Edens, Gene Edens and Dave Frazier. | Beck, Thomas Arthur (I28927)
76 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, January 18, 1943 DAVID A. SIMERLY David Alexander Simerly, age 66, died at his home, 228 Roan street Monday morning after a short illness. Mr. Simerly was a retired lumberman, a native of Carter county, and was married to Debbie L. Perry, June 3, 1899. Survived by the following: wife, Mrs. Debbie L. Perry Simerly; three daughters, Mrs. Verne Allen, Mrs. Glenn Roberson, Mrs. Russell Curtis; one son, Jack Simerly, all of Elizabethton; one sister, Mrs. Annie Cordell of Shell Creek; three brothers, C. C. Simerly, Erwin, John and W. Y. Simerly, Elizabethton; four grandchildren, Edward Simerly, Richard Allen, Billy and Francis Jean Curtis, and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted from the Methodist Memorial church at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. Solon McNeese in charge, assisted by Rev. V. Floyd Starke. Burial will be made in Highland cemetery. Music will be in charge of Mrs. Houston Netherland. Active pallbearers will be the nephews. Flower bearers will be the Hattie Kane class and members of Circle No. 1 of Memorial Methodist church. The body will be returned to the home at 226[sic] Roan street from the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock. | Simerly, David A. (I38124)
77 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, January 22, 1945 Pvt. Samuel Bowers Killed In Action Mrs. Eunice Parlier Bowers of Route 2 Elizabethton has received word from the war department that her husband Pvt. Samuel M. Bowers, was killed in action at Luxembourg December 19. He was reported missing one week prior to the death notice. Private Bowers has been in service about eight months and overseas about one week. Before entering the service he was employed at the North American Rayon Corporation. He is survived by his wife, and three children, Bobby age four, Wilda, two and one-half, and Samuel M. Junior ten months. His mother, Mrs. Vera Bowers of Route 2 is also listed as a survivor. | Bowers, Samuel M. (I59627)
78 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, January 28, 1940 Lifetime Devoted to Church Work Ends As Rev. Stout, Baptist Minister, Dies Rev. James Stout, 68, for almost a half a century a prominent Baptist minister of Upper East Tennessee, died in a local hospital this morning, following an illness of lengthy duration, although not seriously ill until the past month. The deceased was a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families of this entire section, whose descendants are found scattered in all parts of East Tennessee, Western North Carolina and Virginia. Born May 7, 1871 at Berk's Gap, now known as Neva in Johnson County, he was the son of the late Jacob N. and Amanda Stout. Mr. Stout entered the public school at the age of 13 years receiving only a limited education. After his marriage to Miss Ida A. Jones, of Beaver Creek, N.C., he entered Holly Springs College at Butler, now known as Watauga Academy, at the age of 27. He studied hard and was ordained as a minister of the Baptist Church while attending the college. Active in Building Possibly the name of 'Builder' should be applied to him, because of his active work in rebuilding old run down churches. His ministerial work extended over a period of approximately 47 years, during which time he held pastorages[sic] in Carter, Johnson, Unicoi, Sullivan, Washington counties and in Western North Carolina. One of his chief characteristics was to go into a community and find a closed, dilapidated church. He would immediately set about making plans to remodel same. It was in the year 1926 when he was chosen pastor of the Cherokee Church at Jonesboro, that he supervised the remodeling of the building where the first association for the churches of Tennessee was held, and where today a monument stands bearing the record. While remodeling and rebuilding churches was a hobby of his, he never overlooked the fact of rebuilding the soul and hundreds were steered in the right direction by him, often as many as 400 and 500 people being baptized in various communities where he served. Services Invaluable In Elizabethton and Carter county, where he has made his home for the past 29 years, his service has been invaluable. He was instrumental in organizing the Second Baptist Church of this city, located just two doors from his late residence at 310 Holly Street, but now housed in a commodious brick structure in the west end of town and known as the Calvary Baptist Church. It was during his travels from church to church that Rev. Stout discovered the Sinking Creek Baptist Church. Finding that it was the oldest Baptist Church in the state of Tennessee, he set about rebuilding and remodeling and organized a congregation that had been running loose for 33 years. Starting with a nucleus of three old members, he rebuilt the old log house that had stood for more than 100 years, turning it into a modern building and raising the membership to 65 members. Today, that church stands on the Glanzstoff highway as a monument to his efforts. Funeral Today Funeral services for Rev. Stout will be held from the First Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. V. Floyd Starke will be in charge of the services, assisted by Rev. W. R. Rigell of Johnson City. Burial will be made in the Happy Valley Memorial Park. The body will remain in the chapel of the North Funeral Home until 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, when it will be taken to the First Baptist Church to lie in state until time for the funeral. Active pallbearers will be M. F. Summerlin, Major C. H. White, E. E. Estep, Ben F. Siler, Dr. W. G. Frost, of this city; N. C. Duncan of Erwin. The honorary pallbearers, who will also serve as the flower bearers will include the deacons of the Baptist Church and ministers of the Watauga Association. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ida A. Stout; three daughters, Mrs. Charles Clemons, Fireco, West Va.; Mrs. H. R. Freeman, Hetzel, West Va.; Mrs. O. D. Rodkey, Birmingham, Ala.; five sons, G. W. Stout, Bristol; B. F. Stout, Beckley, West Va.; James M. Stout, Philadelphia, Pa.; Earl Stout and James Stout, Jr. of Elizabethton; two brothers, Lemuel Stout, Neva; A. G. Stout, Elizabethton; one sister, Mrs. Alice Williams, Vilas, N.C.; also 13 grandchildren. STOUT, James (Rev.) "Elizabethton Star," Wednesday, January 31, 1940 DEATH OF REV. STOUT DEPLORED CLASS The Men's Bible Class of the First Baptist Church have very aptly expressed their feeling in the passing of Rev. James Stout, in the foregoing resolutions, in which they comment on the service rendered by Rev. Stout for more than fifty years. The sad news was brought to the attention of the class of the passing of one of our neighbors, Brother James Stout, on Saturday morning, January 27th, 1940, at the age of 60(sic) years, after a half-century of faithful service for his Master. There comes to each generation as it were, like beacon lights to the lives with which they come in contact. Our Savior promised us that "I, if I be lifted up, ill draw all men unto me." Through His ministers and consecrated servants he is still drawing men and we who knew him believe that Brother Stout was used of the spirit to draw many to righteousness. The zeal of Brother Stout, and his passion for those round about him, for one had only to converse with him to observe the trend of his mind towards the ones out of Christ. His was a life "hid with God in Jesus Christ." Service was his watchword and to that end he had sacrificed every earthly desire and every selfish motive. His name was not widely known, but throughout the counties of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina few of our churches failed to feel the effects of his ministry or to love him for his seal in service for his Master. He has left an enduring monument of influence that will be felt for generations. Brother Stout was ever thinking and planning for that land "that is fairer than day" and by faith he could "see it afar". Brother Stout we believe is now in His presence, redeemed and purified. | Stout, Rev. James (I4481)
79 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, July 15, 1940 EARL BOWERS SHOOTS SELF THRU HEART - Grief over Dead Wife And Condition of Sick Child Blamed for Act Despondent over "so much trouble" is said to be the cause of Earl Bowers, 35-year old father of three children of the Blue Springs section, piercing his heart with a .12-guage short gun today, dying approximately five minutes later, member of the sheriff's force said. According to officers, Sheriff Ernest Brumitt, Rhody Fortner and Charlie DeLoach, who made the investigation, Bowers had gone in to his bed-room[sic] and pulled the trigger, his body falling back on the bed. A neighbor, working in the garden nearby heard the shot and ran to the house. Officers were called. Grieving over the death of his wife nearly two years ago, and the condition of his youngest child, was advanced as the basis for the committing the act. "I got into so much trouble and tryed everything to get out" a note read that was found nearby. Here a few words were intelligible. The note, written on a part of a dirty envelope, continued "I had only thing in this world I love and want. Someone tell Miss Stover not to send her away if she can't help her, get someone to keep her. I'm going to mee" ... " and here a word could not be made out. On the back of the envelope were three words: "I want Shirley to have what stuff I have got here." Further instructions on the envelope provided arrangements for the funeral. He requested that Rev. D. R. Kilgore and Jess Richardson "talk" over him. Bowers' wife died about one year and a half ago, a few days after she gave birth to her youngest child, who is said has been in a very bad physical condition since birth. The child has been treated at various hospitals and was recently sent home with a report that doctors were unable to do anything for it, officers stated. A brother of Bowers was stabbed to death in a fracas at a cabin in Taylor Hollow off from Stoney Creek about a year ago. His body was found near the cabin home of Adam Hurley following an all-night party at the Hurly home. Bowers leaves three small children. The body was brought to the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home this morning to prepare for burial. Funeral arrangements have not been made. "Elizabethton Star," Tuesday, July 16, 1940 FUNERAL HELD TODAY FROM STONEY CREEK CHURCH FOR BOWERS Funeral Service for Earl Bowers, 30, who died yesterday morning from gun shot wounds said to be self-inflicted by investigating officers, were held this afternoon from the Caldwell Springs Baptist Church. Rev. D. R. Kilgore and Jess Richardson conducted the services following a request made by the deceased in a note found after the shooting. Bowers left a note setting forth the reasons for his act. Grief over his wife and an afflicted child were believed to be chief reasons. His wife died about a year and a half ago. Relatives and friends had been taking care of his children since her death. Surviving are his 17 month-old son and two daughters. | Bowers, Earl (I2187)
80 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, July 16, 1934 MRS. COLBAUGH DIES SATURDAY; FUNERAL SUN. Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Roberts[sic] Colbaugh, 38, were conducted from the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30, the Rev. J. J. Musick, of the First Christian Church officiating. Interment was made in the Colbaugh Cemetery. The deceased was Miss Alice Roberta Hensley before her marriage to George H. D. "Bill" Colbaugh 20 years ago. She was born at Benhams, Va., coming to Elizabethton in 1911. Mrs. Colbaugh was a member of the Christian church. The mother of several children, she loved her home and was a devoted wife and mother. On July 4th, together with her family, she went for an all-day outing, which was greatly enjoyed by all the members. Returning with a severe headache, she became ill passing away on Saturday. She is survived by her husband; five children, Edgar, Freida, Elsie, Virginia and Calvin Colbaugh; her mother, Mrs. Mary Hensley; one sister, Mrs. Roy Holly; five brothers, Wallace, Cecil, Monroe, Jonah, and Willie Hensley, all of Elizabethton | Hensley, Alice Roberta "Bertie" (I39364)
81 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, July 24, 1950 WILLIE FRANCIS HEATON Willie Francis Heaton, age 3 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Milburn Heaton of Roan Mountain, died in the Appalachian Hospital Sunday evening after a short illness. Survivors are the parents, two sisters, Ellen Ann, Hazel Maria, one brother, Delaney Gail, paternal grandmother, Mrs. W. F. Heaton, Roan Mountain, maternal grandparents, Mr. and Ms. Robert Durrett, Laurenceburg. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Roan Mountain Methodist Church with Rev. John J. Watson officiating. Music will be under the direction of Miss Doris Stout. Burial will be made in the Johnson Cemetery at Roan Mountain. Active pallbearers, George and Frank Heaton, Jim, Buck, Wayne Hitechew, Bent Young, Bill Orr and Bob Caldwell. Flower bearers will be the Young Peoples Class of the Roan Mountain Methodist Church. The body will be returned to the home of the parents at Roan Mountain Monday afternoon and will remain there until 1 p.m. Tuesday, when it will be removed to the church. Roy Hathaway Funeral Home is in charge. | Heaton, Willie Francis (I4702)
82 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, July 25, 1949 MRS. MINERVIE[sic] ELLIOTT Mrs. Minnervie Elliott, 53, died suddenly at 4:20 a.m. today at her home on Route 2, Elizabethton. She was a member of the Caldwell Springs Baptist Church, a member of the Sycamore Chapter Number 163, Eastern Star and a member of the Daughters of America. She is survived by her husband, George Elliott; three sons, Brown of Route 5, Siam of Elizabethton, and Spence of Route 2; two sisters, Mrs. James Buckles of Rt. 2, Mrs. Rosa King of Piney Flats; five brothers, Spence Harrell of Elizabethton, Rex Harrell of Rt. 5, Bill Harrell of Kingsport and C. L. and W. L. both of Route 5; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. at the Caldwell Springs Baptist Church with the Rev. D. R. Kilgore and the Rev. Webb Myers officiating. Members of the Sycamore Chapter Number 163, Eastern Star will conduct services at the Caldwell Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Eston Buckles, Herman and Jones Williams, Granville Elliott, Grant Younce, Herman Weaver, Clyde Buckles and Hubert Shoun. Flower bearers will be selected from friends. The body will be taken to the home today at 4:30 p.m. from the chapel of the Tetrick Funeral Home. ELLIOTT, Minnervie "Elizabethton Star," Tuesday, July 26, 1949 MRS. MINNERVIE ELLIOTT Mrs. Minnervie Elliott, 53, died suddenly at 4:20 a.m. today at her home on Route 2, Elizabethton. She was a member of the Caldwell Springs Baptist Church, a member of the Sycamore Chapter Number 163, Eastern Star and a member of the Daughters of America. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. at the Caldwell Springs Baptist Church with the Rev. D. R. Kilgore and the Rev. Webb Myers officiating. Members of the Sycamore Chapter Number 163 Eastern Star will conduct services at the Caldwell Cemetery. | Harrell, Minerva (I38843)
83 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, July 26, 1943 Death Takes Squire Carroll Hathaway Carroll E. Hathaway, age 33, died in a Johnson City hospital Sunday morning at 4 o'clock after an illness of five months. Mr. Hathaway was a native of Carter county, son of Butler and Minerva Chambers Hathaway, prominent family of Carter county. He was a member of the Carter County Court, magistrate of the 14th district. For a number of years he was an automobile salesman for the Watauga Chevrolet Company of this city. He was employed in the pay roll department of the North American Rayon Corporation and was a member of Dashiel Lodge, No. 238, Elizabethton, R. D. Keller Chapter No. 214 Modern Woodman Local and of the Valley Forge Methodist church. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Marie Morrell Hathaway; one son, Billy Carroll; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hathaway; 3 sisters, Miss Juette Hathaway, Mrs. C. C. Campbell of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. F. R. Shaw, Charlestown, Ind.; five brothers, Pvt. Cale Hathaway, U. S. Army; Abe, Mac, Edgar and Hobart of Elizabethton, and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. at the Valley Forge Methodist church with the Rev. K. W. Baldwin officiating, assisted by Rev. Harry Leonard, and Rev. Laney. Burial will be made in Chambers cemetery. Masons will have charge at the grave. Active pallbearers will be the nurses of the St. Elizabeth Hospital and member of the Ladies Bible Class, Methodist church at Valley Forge. | Hathaway, Carroll E. (I32941)
84 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, July 3, 1944 ANDY JACKSON LEWIS Andy Jackson Lewis, 73 years old, passed away at his home on route 2, Saturday night after a year's illness. Mr. Lewis was a member of the Hunter Methodist Church and had lived in this vicinity all his life. Surviving him is his wife, Maggie; seven daughters, Mrs. Lola Grindstaff of route 2, Mrs. Eva Blevins of route 2, Minnie Toth of route 3, Miss Dora Lewis of route 2, Mrs. Mildred Tolley of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Dock Nave of route 2; two sons, Wilburn Lewis of Appalachia, Va., John Lewis of Elizabethton; one brother, Isaac Lewis of Kings Springs; stepson, Technical Sgt. Albert S. Williams, Camp Chaffe, Ark.; three sisters; Mrs. Molly Lewis, Mrs. Nancy Ann Bowers, Mrs. Mattie Bowers, all of route 2; 36 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at the Hunter Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 with the Rev. Harry Leonard and Rev. Loyd Greer officiating. Burial will be in the Wilson Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Paul Blevins, Junior Toth, Tom Nave, John Nave, and Roy Peters. Tetrick Funeral Home in charge. [NJSB Note: seven daughters were mentioned in the obituary; however only six were named] | Lewis, Andrew Jackson (I9586)
85 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, June 20, 1938 VIRGIL HINKLE Funeral services for Virgil Hinkle, 52, who died at the Grace Hospital in Banner Elk, N. C., Saturday morning, were held at the Freewill Baptist Church here yesterday afternoon at three o'clock. The Reverend Clarence Howington officiated. Interment was in the Highland Cemetery. Hinkle is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Dave Gallihier, Mrs. Ina Nell Harrison and Hannah Hinkle; two grandchildren, Bettie Harrison and Paula Gallhier; three brothers, Charlie Hinkle of Marshall, N. C., Ed and Will Hinkle of Elizabethton; three sisters, Mrs. Lottie Perry of Elizabethton; Mrs. Tom Williams of Johnson City and Mrs. Jeff Teague of Hampton. Pallbearers will be Roby Mast, Harry Bowers, Maple Carriger, Evans Collins, Frank Minnick, Hacker Carriger. Honorary pallbearers: E. C. Alexander, Toby Mast, Bill Lee, Jake Brummitt, Bob Johnson Jr., John Merritt, Dan Perry, Hall Perry, Gus Crumley, Spence White, Dave Fair, Frank Dungan, Walter Dungan, Luther Hampton, Ollie Garrison, Harry Burgie. Honorary pallbearers served as flower bearers. | Hinkle, Virgil Randolph (I39041)
86 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, June 24, 1935 JAMES BREWER, JR. James Brewer, Jr., eight-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brewer, Butler, Tenn., died at a local hospital Sunday night at 10 o'clock, after a prolonged illness. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Arrangements will be in charge of the Hathaway Funeral Home. | Brewer, J. R. (I50965)
87 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, June 25, 1934 BROOKS HYDER DIES AT HOME R. Brooks Hyder, 61, Spanish American War veteran, a member of the county board of education, and a former member of the county court, died at his home in south Lilly Addition Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The deceased was one of the most prominent men in the county. For years he was a member of the county court and at his death was a member of the county board of education. He was a descendant of one of the early pioneer families of this section. His grandfather, the Rev. J. H. Hyder, was one of the early pioneer Baptist ministers. He father, Dr. L. F. Hyder, was a leading physician in this section. Aside from his civic activities, he was also an active member of the Baptist church. Early in life he became a member of the First Baptist church in this city, and after the organization of the East Side Baptist Church near his home, he became a charter member and a deacon in the church, being one of the most delightful and loyal workers. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Annie Toncracy[sic], and three children, Mrs. Brooks Cole, Mrs. Charles Franklin and Harry Hyder; one brother, C. H. Hyder; one sister; Mrs. Hunter Allen; two grandchildren, Ralph and Rondal Cole, all of Elizabethton. Funeral services were conducted from the home in south Lilly Addition this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. H. C. Hopkins officiating. Interment was made in Highland Cemetery. Active pallbearers were Estel Hyder, Jim Hyder, Clifton Allen, Glenn Allen, Charles Toncray, Homley Blevins, and Houston Blevins. | Hyder, Reuben Brooks (I28667)
88 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, June 5, 1944 JOHN EDWARD HEATON John Edward Heaton, age 27, died en route to the hospital, Sunday morning at 7:00 o'clock. Heaton, a member of the Siam Baptist Church, served in the U. S. Army from which he was given an honorable discharge. He had been home for the past four weeks. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Bernice Shearer Heaton; three daughters, Peggy Lou, 5 years, Jenny Mae, 3 years, Wanda Sue, 1 month old; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruddie Heaton; two sisters, Helen and Nora Grace, all of Siam; one brother Stanley of the U. S. Army. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. The body is at the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home. | Heaton, John Edward "Johnie" (I9382)
89 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, June 5, 1950 DOUBLE FUNERAL RITES TODAY FOR MR., MRS. MORLEY A double funeral service will be held today in Bristol for W. L. Morley, 85, prominent wholesale produce dealer, and his wife, who died at 12: 15 p.m. Saturday. Mr. Morley died Sunday at 9:30 p.m. at the Johnson Street residence. He was a steward in the Methodist Church. Dr. William W. Blackard and Dr. J. Stewart French will officiate at the service, which will be held at the State Street Methodist Church at 3 p.m. today. Burial will be in Shelby Hills Cemetery. Mrs. Morley is survived by a daughter Miss Eleanor Curtin and Attorney Thomas E. Curtin. Another survivor is her brother, Nathan B. St. John of Roan Mountain. Two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Fleenor, Holston Valley and Mrs. Virginia Mooney, Knoxville. Mr. Morley is survived by one brother, John E. Morley of Bristol. | Morley, William L. (I29036)
90 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, March 10, 1947 Judge William R. Allen Dies After Long Illness [photo] Was Founder Of Oldest Law Firm In State; Funeral To Be Held Tuesday At 3 p.m. Judge William Robert Allen, 83, native and life long resident of Carter County and one of the most widely known lawyers of Tennessee, died at his home, 203 East "F" Street, Sunday at 2 p.m. after a long illness. Judge Allen was born on July 4, 1865. He was admitted to the bar in 1893 and practiced law here the rest of his life. The law firm which he originally founded with the late John Simerly continued with changes to the time of his death. It is believed that it is the oldest firm of attorneys in continuous existence in the state of Tennessee. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Laura Renfro Allen; five sons, Ben, Clyde, J. Howard, Robert J. and Floyd Allen, all of Elizabethton; three daughters, Mrs. Allen S. Taylor, Elizabethton, Mrs. Burt Clemens, Knoxville, and Mrs. George S. Brown, Lebanon, Tenn.; 12 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. with Dr. W. R. Rigell, pastor of Central Baptist Church of Johnson City, and the Rev. E. M. Umbach, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethton officiating. The body will lie in state at the church from 2 p.m. until time of the funeral. Burial will be in the Highland Cemetery. Judge Allen's reputation as a jurist and lawyer was well earned. He was Elizabethton's most widely known citizen. He was a close friend of the late Gov. Alf Taylor and took an active part in the campaign when Taylor ran as a Republican against his brother, the late governor and U. S. Senator, Robert L. Taylor, Democrat, in the famous "War of the Roses." Previous to his admission to the bar, Judge Allen was graduated from Holly Spring College of Butler, Tennessee. He was elected and served as a member of the General Assembly of Tennessee in 1893 just before he became a lawyer. While in the legislature he became a friend of Cordell Hull, who later gained world fame as secretary of state in President Franklin D. Roosevelt's cabinet. The friendship with Cordell Hull continued throughout Judge Allen's life. In May 1922 Judge Allen was appointed to the Tennessee Court of Civil Appeals by his old friend, Alf Taylor, who then was Tennessee's first Republican Governor since Parson Brownlow. He served an appointment of two years and then returned to Elizabethton. The original law firm of Allen and Simerly admitted Charles B. Clark as a member and became known then as Allen, Simerly and Clark. Later the judge's son, Ben Allen, became a member of the firm but withdrew when he became a circuit court judge. After the death of both Messrs. Simerly and Clark, Roy C. Nelson, present city attorney of Elizabethton, was admitted as a partner. Later on J. Howard Allen, another son, became a member of the firm, which then became known as Allen, Nelson and Allen. This firm continued until Judge Allen's death. The law firm was in continuous existence 53 years, believed to be a record for law firms in Tennessee. Judge Allen became a teacher of a woman's Bible class at First Baptist Church in 1896. He continued to teach the class until illness prevented his appearance. Name of the class was originally the Philathean. Later it became known as the T.E.L. Bible class. Another Bible class at First Baptist Church was named the Laura Allen Thomas Class in honor of Judge Allen's daughter, Laura, who became Mrs. Jerry Thomas. Judge Allen married three fine Christian women. The first wife was Sarah Smith, who became the mother of Ben, Clyde, Katherine and Ann (deceased) and Laura (deceased). The next wife was Diatha Hendrix who was the mother of J. Howard and Lena. The third wife was Laura Brown Renfro. To this union three children were born, Robert J., Floyd, and Mary Emma. The 12 grandchildren are Caroline Clemens, J. Allen Thomas, Robert Whitfield Thomas, Laura Katherine Taylor, Patrica[sic] Ann Taylor, Dorothy Taylor, Rosalie Allen Williams, William Allen, Robert Allen, Elizabeth Allen and John Frederick Allen. Music at the funeral will be in charge of Mrs. Graydon Rion. Active pallbearers will be Roy C. Nelson, Raymond Campbell, George Edens, Malcolm Shull, Wallace Taylor and William H. Clark. Honorary pallbearers will be members of the bar. Flower bearers will be members of the T. E. L. Bible class. The Roy Hathaway Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. "Elizabethton Star," Tuesday, March 11, 1947 Judge Allen Rites Held This Afternoon Funeral of Judge William Robert Allen, 83, life long resident of Carter County and one of the most widely known attorneys of Tennessee, was to take place at the First Baptist Church today at 3:30 p.m. with Dr. W. R. Rigell, pastor of Central Baptist Church of Johnson City, and the Rev. E. M. Umbach, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethton, officiating. Burial was to be in Highland Cemetery. The body was taken from the home at 203 East "F" Street to the church at 2 p.m. Scores of friends passed by the bier in a last tribute to a friend. The floral decoration were numerous and beautiful. Active in civic and religious life for more than a half century, Judge Allen was one of the oldest members of the First Baptist Church. He taught the women's TEL Class since 1896. Judge Allen was signally honored by members of the Carter County Bar Association on his 80th birthday on July 4, 1943, with a banquet. Two of his sons, Judge Ben Allen and Clyde Allen, served in World War I and two other sons, Dr. Robert J. Allen and Floyd Allen in World War II. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Laura Renfro Allen; five sons, Ben, Clyde, J. Howard, Robert J. and Floyd Allen, all of Elizabethton; three daughters, Mrs. Allen F. Taylor of Elizabethton, Mrs. Burt M. Clemens of Knoxville, and Mrs. George S. Bron of Lebanon, Tenn.; 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Active pallbearers were Roy C. Nelson, a member of Judge Allen's law firm; Raymond C. Campbell, Wallace Taylor, George C. Edens, Malcolm Shull and William H. Clark. Honorary pallbearers were members of the bar. Flower bearers were members of the TEL Bible Class. | Allen, William Robert (I32297)
91 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, March 15, 1948 WILLIAM ROGER FARTHING William Roger Farthing, 35, died suddenly at his home in Prospect, Virginia Sunday at 4:45 a.m. He had been in poor health for the past five months. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Virginia Lowe Farthing; one daughter, Judith Ann Farthing; one son, William Roger Farthing, Jr., all of the home; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Farthing of Neva; three brothers, Joe and Robert Farthing both of Neva; and Tom Farthing of Farmville, Virginia; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Irene McQueen and Mrs. Glenn Crowe both of Elizabethton; Mrs. Dana Greene of Shell Creek, and Miss Joyce Farthing of Neva and the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Emma Slemp of Neva. The body arrived in Bristol this morning and was brought to Elizabethton by the Tetrick Funeral Home where it will remain until Tuesday afternoon when it will be removed to the home of the father in Neva. | Farthing, Roger William (I56126)
92 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, March 16, 1931 OLDEST WOMAN IN COUNTY DIES Mrs. Angeline Jenkins is Dead at Age of 105 Mrs. Angeline Jenkins, aged 105, believed to be the oldest native resident of Carter County, died at her home in Watauga Valley Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Her death was said to have been the result of old age. Mrs. Jenkins was born near her present home February 14, 1826, according to old residents, and has spent most of her life in the county. She was a member of one of the most prominent families in this section, who had much to do in making Carter County into the present prosperous state. The family came here when the county was almost a virgin wilderness, and were among the first pioneer settlers. Mrs. Jenkins had a host of friends in East Tennessee through her cheerful disposition, and she retained this cheerfulness almost until death, although she had seen the passing of almost every member of her immediate family. She is survived by only one daughter and several grand and great-grandchildren. At the time of her death marked the passing of one of the outstanding figures in the early pioneer history of the county. Funeral services were held from the home this morning at 10 o'clock with the Rev. J. J. Musick in charge. Interment followed in the Buckles Cemetery | Crow, Angeline (I8716)
93 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, March 18, 1935 MRS. GARRISON DIES; FUNERAL TO BE TUESDAY Mrs. Mamie Garrison, 27, wife of Arthur Garrison, died last night at 11:30 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Estep, 210 Elk Avenue, following a two weeks' illness suffering from an infected throat. Funeral services will be conducted from the home at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Wesley Hill, pastor of the Church of God, officiating. Interment will be made in the Colbaugh Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, Arthur Garrison; parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Estep; three brothers, Tillman, Carl, and J. C. Estep; one sister, Myrtle Estep; also two half sisters, Mrs. Pearl Jones and Mrs. Florence Steel, Bristol; one half brother, Claude Estep. Pallbearers will include Messrs. Dan Perry, Ollie Garrison, Austin Slagle, Clyde Fair, Joe Williams and Mark Fletcher. Flower bearers will include Misses Neoma Riddle, Maggie Whitehead, Ellen Campbell, Hazel Perry, Mildred Angel, Ora Miller, Mary Nell Fletcher, Oma Fletcher, Mesdames Roy Angel and Ethel Williams. The deceased was quite popular with scores of young people, created through her loving and tender depositing toward everyone. Her illness, while painful, was borne with fortitude, patience being displayed throughout her short life. | Estep, Mamie (I16220)
94 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, March 21, 1932 JAMES FAIR Funeral services for James Fair, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fair, who died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at his home, were held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence by the Rev. Clarence Howington with interment in the Carter grave yard. Young Fair was found badly burned near the Watauga river bridge Saturday by the driver of a bakery truck. He was picked up and taken to his home where his condition was reported serious. Yesterday he developed pneumonia fever resulting in his death. Fair is said to have been in company with Ike Blevins and Doodle Burrow, fishing in the Watauga. They had a bon fire and it is believed that he either fell or was pushed in some unexplained way, into the blaze, his clothes and body being badly seared. Survivors include the father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fair; four sisters, Analine, Novell, Retia and Mrs. Mag Burrow; and one brother, Ben Fair. Pallbearers included W. C. Forbes, Herman Lodge, Lynn Fair, Bill Lee, Lonnie Martin and Milton Estep. Flower bearers: Eddie Roberson, Fabie McKinney, Blanch Howington, Emma Bowers, Etta Hoss and Orgie Winebarger. | Fair, James (I52383)
95 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, May 12, 1947 W. F. Heaton Dies After Brief Illness William Francis Heaton, 59, of Roan Mountain, died in the Appalachian Hospital of Johnson City, Monday at 6:30 a.m. after a brief illness. Mr. Heaton was a native of Carter County and lived in the county most of his life. He was in the lumber business with W. O. Hampton at Roan Mountain. He was an active member of the Roan Mountain Methodist Church and had been a member of that church since childhood. He was also a member and past worshipful master of Masonic Lodge No. 566 of Roan Mountain and of the Shriners. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Dollie Heaton; three sons, John, Milburn, and Warren of Roan Mountain; one daughter, Mrs. Cordia Marie Shull of Hampton; three sisters, Mrs. W. A. Crumley, Elizabethton, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Roan Mountain, and Mrs. A. F Tucker, Huntington, West Va.; two brothers, E. F. Heaton and S. B. Heaton, Roan Mountain, and mother, Mrs. John K. Heaton, also Roan Mountain. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Roan Mountain Methodist Church with the Rev. J. E. Milburn and the Rev. Harry Leonard officiating. Music will be under the direction of W. O. Hampton. Burial will be in Roan Mountain Cemetery with Masonic honors. | Heaton, William Francis (I3684)
96 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, May 18, 1936 JOE R. [sic] BOWERS DIES IN FLA. Joe R.[sic] Bowers, 60, prominent native of Carter County and well known in East Tennessee, died Saturday night at St. Petersburg, Florida, following a year's illness. The body will arrive in Elizabethton, Tuesday evening and be taken to the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home until time for the funeral services Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the First Christian Church. The Rev. A. Preston Gray, pastor of the Kingsport Christian Church, assisted by Rev. J. J. Musick will be in charge of the service. Interment will be in the Fletcher Cemetery. Music will be under the direction of Luther Hampton. Mr. Bowers was born in Siam, the son of the late Rev. John L. Bowers. For a number of years he taught school at Hampton, after which he was employed by the ET&WNC Railway Co. He was associated for a number of years with the First National Bank of Elizabethton, and also assisted in organizing the Holston National Bank here in 1920 where he served as cashier. For the past five or six years he had been in the real estate business in Florida. The deceased was married twice, first to Miss Lela Fletcher who died several years ago, and later to Miss Josie Fletcher who survives him. Other survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Carsie Reynolds of Avondale, Pa., Mrs. Inez Smith of Westchester, Pa.; three sons, Connelly Bowers of Harrisburg, Pa., Carmen Bowers of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Joe P. Bowers of Pennsylvania; five sisters, Mrs. Rhoda VanHuss of Bloomington, Ill., Mrs. Agnes Kyte of Harlan, Ky., Mrs. Delia Slemp of Neva, Mrs. Maggie Carriger of Hampton, Mrs. Kat Worley of Elizabethton; four brothers, Avery Bowers and John L. Bowers of Elizabethton, the Rev. D. B. Bowers of Chattanooga, Prof. R. B. Bowers of Bristol, Va., and a step-mother, Mrs. D. S. Nave. Active pallbearers will be Major C. R. Hathaway, John Proffitt, A. G. Brumit, W. Y. Simerly, T. A. Dugger, R. T. Johnson, Jr., W. W. Smith, P. H. Elliott. Honorary pallbearers who will also have charge of the flowers will include Mike Hall, Dan Campbell, S. J. Carden, Nat Perry, S. W. Dungan, Dr. J. C. Bowers, Charles Collins, E. E. Hathaway, Dan M. Brumit, E. C. Alexander, E. H. Holly, P. I. Brumit, Andy Bowers, T. C. Price, Robert T. Johnson Sr., W. G. Campbell, P. S. Wagner, J. B. Nave Sr., B. R. Taylor, Dr. Allen Taylor, Sherman Williams, Joe Meredith, Will Chambers, J. D. VanHuss, Butler Hardin, Elijah Pierce and W. G. B. Simerly. | Bowers, Joseph Powell (I1527)
97 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, May 24, 1937 REECE RITES TUESDAY P.M. John E. Reece, 57, of Graysville, Tenn., brother of Congressman B. Carroll Reece and Lem L. Reece, died Sunday morning at 11:45 at Mountain Home hospital in Johnson City following an illness of several months. Funeral services and interment will be at Sugar Grove Baptist Church near Butler, Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 with the Rev. James Sherwood officiating. The funeral procession will leave Appalachian Funeral Home in Johnson City at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Reece, a Spanish American War veteran, was for many years in the merchantile[sic] business at Butler, and for the past few years had been connected with the Inspection Bureau of the Federal Alcohol Tax unit. He is survived by his widow, Minnie Doughtery Reece; his mother, Mrs. Sallie E. Reece of Johnson City; the following brothers and sisters, J. L. Reece, W. L. Reece, W. J. Reece, B. Carroll Reece, Lem L. Reece, Mrs. Anna R. Thompson, Millard B. Reece, Mrs. H. B. Cupp and Raleigh Reece. Active pallbearers, who will assemble at the Sugar Grove church at 2:45 p.m., will be Jack Anderson, Scott Burton, Allen Courtner, Dr. G. Hughes, Ray Shoun, Alfred M. Stout, M. F. Summerlin and Arthur Wagner. | Reece, John Eggers (I33512)
98 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, May 27, 1940 CARTER COUNTY MAN, 21, TAKES OWN LIFE Floyd White, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Granville White of near Butler, was found dead near his home this morning with a broken neck and a gun shot wound in his right temple. Young White's body was discovered about nine o'clock by a neighbor passing through the wooded spot at the rear of the White home. Deputy Sheriff Mike Boatright and others of the sheriff's force together with Coroner Harmon Collins investigated the accident, which they determined was suicide. According to investigation, White had tied a rope around his neck and climbed a tree. He fired a .22 rifle shot into his right temple, which caused death, breaking his neck with the fall from the tree also. Boatright quoted members of the family as saying that he had not been at home since Friday, but that they did not think anything unusual about it since he often went off and did not return for a few days at a time. The coroner's inquest revealed that he had been dead since late Sunday afternoon, and that his neck was broken when he fell from the tree, following the gunshot wound, which is said to have killed him. It could not be ascertained as to what could have caused him to commit the act. However, it was reported that he had been acting peculiar for a few days. Surviving are his parents, three sisters and five brothers. The North Funeral Home brought the body to Elizabethton to prepare for burial. Funeral services are scheduled to take place at the family cemetery Tuesday at 2:00 o'clock. | White, Floyd (I29040)
99 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, May 6, 1935 AGED HAMPTON RESIDENT DIES Robert Johnson, 76, prominent farmer of near Hampton, died last night at 10:20 o'clock at a local hospital. He had been in ill health for some time. He was the son of the late Nick and Mary Johnson. Although, a farmer, he also was the village blacksmith, and his trade brought him in contact with (illegible word) for miles around. For approximately thirty years, he was a member of Hampton Lodge No. 10, I.O.O.F. taking great interest in his order until declining health prohibited his doing to any longer. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Betty Wilson Johnson, one brother: Dan Johnson, Hampton, one sister, Mrs. Alice Goodwin, Carden's Bluff. Funeral services will be conducted from the late residence at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Phil Sheppherd, of Shell Creek, officiating. Interment will be made in the Johnson Cemetery near the home, the Odd Fellows taking charge, using their ritualistic service. Active pallbearers will include H. G. Greene, Charles Peters, Mike Hazelwood, Conner Lunceford, Ray Morton, Jim Peters. Honorary pallbearers will include G. W. Johnson, W. O. Johnson, Sam Montgomery, George Hazelwood, Loss Morton, Mike Peters, C. I. Hicks, Arthur Jackson, Sam Miller, Frank Hazelwood, Loss Campbell, John Glover. Flower bearers will include Misses Melvina Greene, Georgie Peters, Ressie Hazelwood, Locie Morton, Dollie Morton, Luella Johnson, Helen Campbell, Mesdames Nellie Hazelwood, Corine Johnson, Emmett Peters. | Johnson, Robert (I34864)
100 | "Elizabethton Star," Monday, May 6, 1946 Roscoe Elliott Dies Of Own Hands Coroner Reports Roscoe Lawrence Elliott, 32, "died by his own hands" at his home on Scenic Drive Sunday afternoon at 6 p.m., according to findings of the coroner's jury report. Deputy Sheriff Harlan Oakes said that the deceased "had shot himself with a .22 gauge rifle while his wife was away from home at a neighbor's home. Those on the jury were the Coroner Roy Merritt, O. B. Collins, P. J. Little, J. R. Lyons, Floyd Church, Worley Merritt, Russell Fraley. Deputies who investigated were Oakes and Nidiffer. The funeral service will be conducted from the Calvary Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Tuesday with the Rev. George Westmoreland officiating. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Frances Elliott, one son, Lon Edward Elliott, father J. T. Elliott, one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Owens, of Virginia, seven brothers, Arthur Elliott of Rock Creek, Va., Dan Elliott, Binghampton, N. Y., Clarence Elliott of Binghampton, N. Y., Isaac Elliott, Jim Elliott, Floyd Elliott, J. T. Elliott, Jr. of Elizabethton. Active pallbearers, Lon Peoples, Ralph Sticts, Clyde Ledford, Ray Heaton, O. B. Collins, Elbert Angel, Earnest Depew, Arthur Turner. Flower bearers, Mrs. Lon Peoples, Ray Heaton, O. B. Collins, Ellen Vaughn, Lena Turner, Hassie Bowman, Georgia Estep, Marie Smith, Emma Broche, Mary Zimmerman, Ellis Carriger, Mrs. Dorothy Markland, Miss Mary Ruth Turner, Hilda Carriger. The body will remain in the Chapel of the Roy Hathaway Funeral Home until Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. and will be taken to the church to lie in state until time for the service. | Elliott, Roscoe Lawrence (I39251)